well the UK comes to standstill


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2006
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its snowing so
schools close, airports close, trains and buses stop running and no one moves from their living rooms :roll:

Jesus what would we do if it snowed for more than a day at a time eh.
I think its more a case of a LOT of people using it as a good excuse for a duvet day, including teachers etc, who can blame them lol
I phoned in sick today :oops: And it's not even snowing here :lol:
3 inches of snow thats pathetic where i used to live we used to get snow drifts and still my dad ploughed through the snow so me could get to school! I dont know ay! :roll: :roll:
What snow!!??

Oh you mean that icing sugar in that dark corner of my garden!
I lived in Virginia in the States for 2 years, on snowey days there people could just call in and take the day as holiday!! Or work the days hours into their next weeks work, i.e. day off and next week instead of 9-5 do 9-6 to make the hours up......they are crazy when it snows!! You think the UK stops....they are sooooooo bad!! :rotfl:
I suppose the difference here is it is a rarety to get any amount of snow and we just are not equipped for it! Our cars aren't made for snow travel and cost cutting councils choose which roads to grit. Personally I think it does us all good to slow down for a day and get outside to enjoy it! Far better the kids have some fond memories of snow, it won't be long before we don't see it in this country (if global warming carries on as they are warning!). So i say lets enjoy it, what better reason for us rat racing brits to take a day off work and spend it with the family!!
I know...I commented in the snow pics thread its pathetic...I used to live in sweden and im sure you all know how cold it is there..i used to trudge to college in knee high snow...it didnt stop anything,. :D
i hate snow, stupid dentist cancelled on me so now i have toothache for another 2weeks grrrr
mummykay said:
i hate snow, stupid dentist cancelled on me so now i have toothache for another 2weeks grrrr

whata fooking liberty!
Well if these ppl told me snow was lethal i wud have not gone to school and work all of this time :roll:
budge said:
mummykay said:
i hate snow, stupid dentist cancelled on me so now i have toothache for another 2weeks grrrr

whata fooking liberty!

i know, i have half a tooth at the back and he didnt do my temp filling properly so it hurst to eat whichs no good when im BFing!! :x :x

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