well its official!


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2007
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hello im officially 13 weeks now so im definatly bombarding you all :) ive brought some stuff for you.. ones mainly for me as im craving them .. cockles!!! yum.. but cant have them as they are shell fish :( want them covered in vinegar and pepper

and for you guys.. which ive also really wanted is a really lovely iced cup cake! theres pleanty for all :) yum
I always imagine cockles to be the same texture as slugs :puke:
no.. they arnt slimy.. they are kinda like a pawn without any mayo on..but they dont taste the same..kinda smother too.. yum.. lol.. cravings eh!
Definitely cakes for me. Just looking at those cockles is making me feel queasy!!
I hope there are some cakes left for me. xxx
Back to the cockles again- my knowledge is sparse here- but if you buy them pickled in jars are they not ok to eat then if you are really desperate for them?
Mmmm - cockles - oooh and I love whelks too :lol:
There's no problem with eating cockles or other shellfish, as long as they're cooked! Fill yer boots. Just make sure you know they're fresh, like you normally would.

I had some lovely sushi yesterday with eel and crab, mmm. Good for baby!
yea i will have a cupcake please and u can have the cockles and watch us eat the cakes :p

thanx alot your welcome in here :dance:
I forgot it's really nice to see you here and others from 1st tri! I've been warming the seats for a week. the cockles are most welcome!
the cockles arnt cooked tho are they? ooohh please say yeah they are so i can have some lol :) might get the ones in jars coz they are really nice soaking in vinegar.. yum yum.. expensive but nice. tesco sell huge bags of them for 10R.. FROZEN
Yeah, they're definitely cooked if they are out of their shells. You deal with them in the same way as mussels - steam them in their shells until they open and discard any that haven't opened. So if you buy a tub of cockles then they've been steamed out of their shells. The thing is that like other cold food that you haven't prepared yourself, you need to be careful about how it has been stored - anything like cold chicken or prawns or other deli food is a slight risk. Maybe safest to cook up with some nice pasta and eat steaming hot!

They eat cockles raw in some parts of E Asia but there have been health scares over them as raw cockles have been linked to hepatitis. So I doubt it would be allowed to serve them raw in this country even if you fancied them. But everything I've read says that cooked shellfish, including cockles, are fine to eat in pregnancy.

Sorry for the long-windedness. I'm a bit of a shellfish obsessive, used to live in japan where they'll eat anything that crawls along the sea bed (and most things that don't!)

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