Well....i tested this morning and....


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2008
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it's a BFN :wall:

I got up really anxious and had a strong feeling it'll be BFN yet i went ahead and tested...just to please my fellow POAS addicts, Donna and Puds you owe me girls!! :lol:

I was really disappointed despite my previous feeling. My chart gave me so much hope and i thought this could be my month..well i am still a little bit hopeful. I have no symptoms at all so maybe my hgc levels are still too low to show on an early test?

Does anyone know if the babymad pregnancy test 10 mIU are reliable? they say you can test up to 3 days before AF is due and they're supposed to be more sensitive than the 25 mIU!

Oh sweetie, sorry it was a bfn but like you said it could just be too early to test so there's still hope :pray:

I did a clearblue digital 4days before af was due and got a +ve on that so if you leave it a couple of days (your hormone levels will double in that time if you are pregnant) and test again it should be more accurate.

Good luck hun :hug:
Oooo noooo - bummer :wall: :wall: How early are you testing?

I don't know anything about the tests so can't help there I am afraid

:hug: :hug:

Maybe tomorrow or Sunday?

:pray: :pray:
Thanks Hannah :hug:

Sahara, i am 12 DPO today and my LP is 14 days usually but spotting should start anytime now. If it doesn't i might still have a chance to be pregnant.

How about you? did you test? :D
so sorry hun :cry: hopefully its just too early. you had a funny cycle ovulating later than expected so i wouldn't worry too much- easier said than done. don't ever listen to me again! so frustrated with my own cycle i would love to see 1 of u get a bfp!!! i am going to keep my testing urges to myself from now on! :fib:
:hug: don't lose hope yet though hun.
lots of love
When I got my BFP I tested using the BabyMad 10miu ones, but the line was so faint it was almost impossible to see. It was the same when I tested the next day with one. But I did a FR at the same time and that came up really clearly. So, I think you might have tested too early anyway, but also that the uber sensitive ones don't (in my experience) necessarily give you a clear result. I'd agree with the others and say wait 2 days (if you possibly can!) and test with a FR or a digi.

Fingers crossed for you :pray:
Well thats got to be good news 12dpo you still have a good chance!! Yay :dance:

Nah, my daughter woke me up really early and I was blundering around bleary eyed and just sat on the loo and had a pee b4 I realised what I had done. :wall: :wall:

She distracted me chatting away 19 to the dozen - cereal pls Mummy, cereal pls Mummy. Mummy going wee wee!!

I am 14dpo so perhaps I might try later today if I can build up my wee, but at the mo I am in and out of the loo like a yoyo - but I tend to do that just b4 AF anyway so not really sure it means much!!

At least while the witch is away we still have hope :pray: :pray:
Puds, please don't go blaming yourself for my BFN! I am a POAS addict and was going to end up testing anyway...i just wish i had trusted my instinct this morning and waited at least till Sunday :hug:

Gemoid, well that certainly gives me hope! i will wait till Sunday and retest if no AF :D

Sahara, your daughter is sweet, bless her :D I hope you get a chance to test later in the day and i am really :pray: for a BFP for you hun. You deserve it :hug:
keep everything crossed hun, its not over yet! :pray: :pray: :pray:
Oh bugger :shakehead: Nope, still have this feeling, please please let it be true. I could be really naughty and say test again tomorrow but shall stop my self for at least a few hours :talkhand:
Good luck in a couple of days hun, its not over yet :pray: :hug:
oh hun... :hug: still early yet tho. wait till Sunday or even Monday!! i have no symptoms yet and like you im hoping its too early (DPO9).
Sahara said:
I was blundering around bleary eyed and just sat on the loo and had a pee b4 I realised what I had done. :wall: :wall:
i do that all the time LOL. Gutted afterwards tho, its so funny waiting for that dribble when its all over!! :D

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