

Well-Known Member
May 24, 2006
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what did youlittle ones weigh at 3 months? madi weighs 9lb 2! now :D

i was just wondering how madis doing and how far shes got to catch up
hi hev,
Louie is now 14 wks today & last monday he weighed, 13 lb 1.5 oz.
a 3 months he was 12 lb 6 oz.

don't worry about madi catching up coz she was very early. :hug: :hug:
wow Hev shes doing really well isnt she Alfie was weighed a week before he was 3 months and he weighed 14lb 13 oz so hell be just over 15lb now i would say, or he could be alot more hes going through a growth spurt, Madi will too around this time so she'll catch up but shes a really good weight anywahun because she was so early and so tiny
At 11 weeks Aimee was 12lb 4oz but she was 8lb 11oz born. Madi is doing great and she is catching up so well isn't she.
aaliyah is 13lb 5 oz n she aint even 8 weeks :shock: little chubba!
Stanley was weighed at 15 weeks and is 17lb 3oz :shock:

Considering he was only 7lb 3 at birth he's piling it on :?
Charlie was 12lb 9 at 9 weeks, he was 7lbs 13 when he was born, he is a little chubby cherub!!
Ryan was 8.5lb when he was born, at 3 months, 14.13lb and at 4 months, 18lb.
Charlie was 7lb 3oz at birth (arrived on his due date) and at 15 weeks weighed 17lb 2oz and was weighed at his development check before Xmas at 34 weeks at a wopping 24lb 2oz. The HV did the usual concerned face as he is on the 98th centile again but I ignored her as his length at the checkup was 75cm and also on the 98th centile....so surely he is in proportion.

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