

Well-Known Member
May 19, 2005
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hey guys

im not sure if anyone will know the answer to this, its prob a question for the doctor but i thought id ask anyway.

since the 19th i have been on a diet, i have lost 9lbs and 2 inches off my waist and hips so far.

is it ok for me to carry on doing this is im trying to conceive? i dont want to do anything this time round that might result in another misscarriage.

anyone know?


layla as long as your being sensible and not crash dieting it will be fine hun dont worry im trying to lose some weight too im still a stone and half heavier than when i got pg with jamie just make sure you get enough of everything and all will be fine xxxxxxxx
ooops! just read that message backa nd the numbers were all wrong, i have not lost 29bls! lol

im swimming twice a week for an hour, i know i can carry that on, but im also useing my tampalene and sparing (boxing) with jase, i will have to give those up if and when i do catch.

I really don't know Layla as I'm no expert. But I think the healthier you are the better when you're trying to conceive. Do you feel healthy following this diet? I used to be on diets many years ago and I never felt I was eating properly, I was exhausted all the time and lacking in vitamins & energy, not healthy.

So I would just make sure it's not a very low-calorie diet. I don't think it is affecting ovulation and conception but that's just me

Well done on losing weight btw :)

Sorry I can't be of any help

for the first two weeks im on a low fat low carbs diet, done one week, got another to do.

then i will start to introduce brown bread, sweet potatoes, brown pasta and brown rice, along with meats.

at the mo im only having chicken turky and fish with fruit veg and salad.

Im eating loads! i have always got something in my hand, wether it be a bit of friut, low fat yogert or a carrot, and last night it was a struggle to finsih my dinner........it was only salad with chicken! :D

jase is making me take vit tablets with added iron and minrals just ot be safe (he is a worrier!)

i feel really good, i feel clean inside if that makes any sence lol

That makes perfect sense yes ;)

You sound satisfied. Good luck Layla!

Sounds like you're doing great Layla :cheer:

You're eating plenty of variety and it's healthy I think you'll be fine.

You'll just need to cut down on the excercise (like you said).

I wouldn't worry about it.

Charm X
Think Rach is right I mean dieting is eatting healthier & that can't do your bubba any harm I'm sure - As long as it's not a crash diet.

It was our first day of the slim fast plan yesterday - I'm so hungry :lol:
well done loosing weight babe, as long as i feel happy and healthy then do what u feel is best! dont go ott with dieting tho. once uve reached ur target weight try and ease up there so u dont go to like 5 stone! its not gr8 being skinny thinking a big gust will take u away lol! i was 5st b4 jaycee, 10st PG then 8 after and now a healthy 8.5st. i hated being that tiny
Sounds like your being perfactly healthy, so long as your diet is a diet of plenty so your not starving or depriving yourself of key vatamins and minerals, any little bean would greatly appreciate a good healthy diet. Plus with yhe excercise you will be fine at the mo, once your confirmed, you may have to give up the sparing, as any boucing up and down type thing like aerobics needs to be done on a sprung wodden floor to aviod muscle damage when the relaxin hormone kicks in. Its generaly advised that if you do sport prior to pregnancy your fine to continue, just dont do high impact stuff it your didnt before cause otherwise your body will struggle with the sudden exercise let alone the hormones. Plus aviod any exercise that buts a lot of stress on your stomach muscles when preggers, like rowing machine and sit ups as this can cause a king of hernia dur to relaxin hormones.

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