Weight queries - too much - too little ?


Jan 28, 2005
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It's worried grandma again, asking anyone how much weight on average should be gained in pregnancy. My daughter is approaching 18 weeks pregnant now and although I haven't seen her lately, she tells me people say she looks thinner, although her boobs have grown and she does have a little bump. Although her nausea has virtually gone, she says her appetite is not very good.

Any advice gratefully received.


A mother within normal weight range prior to pregnancy can expect to put on between 20-35lbs (10-15kg) - More if previously underwight, less if overweight and more with multiples. And most of this after 20 weeks.

I lost 5/6lbs during my First trimester (nausea) and by weeks 17/18 had only put on 4/5 lbs - and was hardly showing. But by week 20 my baby bump just popped over my pelvis and i suddenly looked pregnant and started putting on weight. I am now 32 weeks and have been gaining weight weekly to a total of 21lbs!

But remeber each mother is different - I know women who gained 5 stone in one pregnancy and those who gained only 15-20lbs and all have healthy babies. My midwife couldn't really stress enough that weight gain is not really very indicative as long as babies vitals and measurements are ok - I have not been weighed at any of my prenatal checks.

She was also keen to stress that the baby will always get what it needs and if anyone will suffer it will be the mother.! My Mum had hyperemesis when she was pregnant with me (sickness throughout the entire pregnancy) and could not keep any food down at all. Se had to be put on a drip because I was stealing all the nutrients she was left with none. She lost a lot of weight during the pregbnacy due to her illness and I came out a very healthy 7lb baby.

Hope this helps, and try not to worry yourself or your daughter too much, instead enjoy the pregnancy - we were built to do it after all!!
I agree. To begin with a lot of people told me I looked thinner (yet my boobs were getting huge). I have put my weight on gradually, and all over (hips, waist, bum, boobs) so it wasn't really until my bump got big that people noticed and many still say that I'm "neat".
Thank-you for answering my posting Kimbot and Becky. That has certainly put my mind at rest.

I wish you both all the best for the remainder of your pregnancies and the births.


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