
Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2005
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I need advice!
I want a web page for advertising my apartment in Bulgaria. Is it worth spending the money to get one done professionally? Or should i have a go myself? Baring in mind im a total technophobe, and i want one that will be found from a search engine.
Any advice relating to web design or renting property abroad would be really welcome!!!
I'd have a go yourself :)

Have you got Macromedia Dreamweaver?
If not, get a free trial of it and I can help you with the basics. It's very simple, a bit like doing a picture, you can place images and text on the page.
Hmmmmm, are you sure id be able to do it?? Ive never even heard of macro-thingy!!!! How much is it to have a basic web page designed? If i did it myself and i put 'proprty to let-bulgaria' would it come up?
Thanks for your advice and offer of help...i may need it lol x
Hels, my daughter designed her own web page at school. She had finished the whole years work by February :shock: so her IT teacher got her to do this as a project.

I'm sure it came up on a Google search as well.

Let me ask her when she gets home from school and I'll let you know what she used. I have a feeling she used Microsoft Frontpage, but I'm not 100% sure.
Have a go yourself. If you don't like what you end up with and decide to pay someone, give them what you've already done, tell them what you like and don't like and they should do it a lot cheaper than from scratch.

marketing the site is going to be more expensive than getting the site built. Paid advertising for holiday related terms is expensive, and it can take years to get results through natural optimisation, if ever, because it's such a competitive area. Avoid anybody that does 'guaranteed top 10'

If you want to market the site, don't use FrontPage - it puts so much extra code in the pages, search engines get lost trying to read them. Dreamweaver is the industry standard but it's about £500 unless you can get a copy :wink: Mozilla does an editor in their 'suite' - www.mozilla.org, free and basic but it does the job and it's quicker to learn than DW or FP

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