Weaning questions!


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2007
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Hi all,

I've been given the go ahead by my HV to start Paige on solids as she was showing all the signs of being ready, she'll be five months next week. This is day three of having baby rice once a day, I'm sticking to what it says on the packet (1 teaspoon rice to 1 tablespoon of her usual milk), but she doesn't seem to like it very much :/ She's still making faces and she'll gag a bit and out it comes! Should I try another food, or should I perservere for a few more days, or is she telling me she's not ready after all? :?
Thanks xxxx
too be honest, not alot of babies like babyrice on its own, have you tried putting something in it to flavour it a bit? my Glenn loves his porridge (sp) and he has Frutapura swirled innit and he loves it!, here is the link for it so you can have a look...
he eats it on its own too, i must admit i have tried it and its nice.x
Yes I've tried it with more milk making it runnier but its just more mess when she spits it out :D

I will try the Frutapura thank you!
i would persevere- i think its just that babies are used to nipples or bottles and sucking, and spoons and food are new and strange 2 them- its not that they dont like it. i do remember being a bit overwhelmed with weaning at first, and thought millie wouldnt take to it- but after a month or so we'd really established it and shes loves her food now!
good luck with it :hug:
hannah wouldnt touch it, still wont infact. (and if you taste it you vcan see why!) lol.
rachelandjarvis said:
hannah wouldnt touch it, still wont infact. (and if you taste it you vcan see why!) lol.


We started Daniel with it, and he was ok (but, he would eat anything "grown up"). Mind you, after about a week we mooved to veggie purees and he loved them and was fine! :hug:
Livvy HATED baby rice.. and I tried it and so did I! Don't really see why we should expect them to eat something we wouldn't eat... then again, I once tried her milk and was nearly sick all over the carpet! yeeuch!

Livvy has Cow and Gate Fruity Breakfast in the mornings and seems to enjoy it! Especially sticking her hand in her mouth and smearing it all over her new highchair! lol.


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