We just have no luck...


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2007
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Hey all,

As i type this at 7am i have had no sleep and been in A&E all night, no not Amber the OH again.

After having his 3rd op in 14 months last week his stitches bust on him last night and there is blood everywhere, i wouldnt mind but he has taken it easy for a week and not done anything. To find that the hernia which has twice been repaired might have ruptured again.

I sweat that man has spent more time in a hospital bed then at home...

I am just feeling deflated and all alone again....:( not to mention poor Amber who hasnt really had time to enjoy her dad as he is always had op's and been post op so very sore and now yet again he isnt here at all.

Due to go back to work in 2 weeks, its not happening as i am OH full time carer at the min have been for the last 6 months after 2nd op, so going to have to extent maternity leave. I will be reduced to SMP i know we cant survive on that so i am going to be in debt is there anything i can claim does anyone know?

We are waiting for a decision on Disability Living...oh god...i just feel so lost.

Sorry all needed to vent it all before Amber wakes up as i am knakered and have a full day looking after her i hope she has some LONG naps!

awwww poor you, i'm sorry for you and your OH.

Couldn't you claim like a care allowance? as you are the main person who is looking after and taking care of OH????
Oh Hun! Shame your still in Shropshire or I would have offered to come and give you a hand. If I was you I would share some of Ambers naps today, you sound like you could do with some extra sleep! :hug:
Hi honey,

Oh no - you seem to be having such a tough time just now. Please don't worry about extending your leave as you need to do what works for you both just now and although debt is not great, needs must.

I would call the CAB (Citizen's Advice Bureau) to see what (if any) benefits and allowances you can currently apply for - also contact tax credits to tell them about your current drop in salary to see if you are entitiled to any more tax credits.

Poor OH too, I hope he gets better soon.

Valentine Xxx

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