Went for the scan this morning at 6w 5d and we saw a little peanut-shaped blob with a little beating heart! Totally amazing
She did a tummy scan first which showed the sac, but I managed to convince myself the sac looked empty (it really did look that way though!). Then she told me to go and have a wee so she could do the internal scan. I did, she did, and there it was, beating away and measuring the right size for its date and everything!
She couldn't give us a picture as apparently they only do those on the normal scan ward (not in EPFAU)
So, next one is a dating scan at around 12 weeks. Thanks once again everybody for your well wishes in the other thread, I was very touched when I read it last night and this morning
Went for the scan this morning at 6w 5d and we saw a little peanut-shaped blob with a little beating heart! Totally amazing
She did a tummy scan first which showed the sac, but I managed to convince myself the sac looked empty (it really did look that way though!). Then she told me to go and have a wee so she could do the internal scan. I did, she did, and there it was, beating away and measuring the right size for its date and everything!
She couldn't give us a picture as apparently they only do those on the normal scan ward (not in EPFAU)
So, next one is a dating scan at around 12 weeks. Thanks once again everybody for your well wishes in the other thread, I was very touched when I read it last night and this morning