We have a heartbeat!


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2005
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Yay! :cheer:

Went for the scan this morning at 6w 5d and we saw a little peanut-shaped blob with a little beating heart! Totally amazing :D

She did a tummy scan first which showed the sac, but I managed to convince myself the sac looked empty (it really did look that way though!). Then she told me to go and have a wee so she could do the internal scan. I did, she did, and there it was, beating away and measuring the right size for its date and everything!

She couldn't give us a picture as apparently they only do those on the normal scan ward (not in EPFAU) :(

So, next one is a dating scan at around 12 weeks. Thanks once again everybody for your well wishes in the other thread, I was very touched when I read it last night and this morning :hug:
Congratulations! Glad everything went well- sit and chill out now with the happy news! :hug: :cheer: :cheer:
Oh congrats Laura!

Isn't it wonderful when you hear the heartbeat, makes it all feel a little more real and puts your mind at rest a little.

Yay!!! :cheer: Fantastic news Laura. Here's to a stressfree remaining 7 and a half months!
excellent news laura, glad it all went well! :cheer:
Yeah, thats fantastic news, it must be such a relief. I bet your getting so excited about it all now. I hope you have a happy and healthy remaining 9 months. :cheer:
Excellent news Laura :clap:

Really pleased everything is progressing nicely :lol:
Aww thats brill Laura :cheer:
I am so chuffed for you :D
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Awww I'm so pleased for you Laura! And for your OH, bet he is really chuffed too. Shame they wouldn't gve you a picture, stingy gits, but the reassurance must be amazing! So chuffed for you babe xxxxx
Congratulations!!! Glad all went well and lo is doing well! :cheer:
Thanks everyone :) I'm very relieved, well we both are - I've been quite miserable since I got my BFP three weeks ago, if I'm honest - I couldn't bring myself to get excited at all as I was convinced that nothing was there.

What with my previous MC, a big bleed last week, and the fact that I'm still having brown spotting every day, I was totally pessimistic. So when you do actually see something moving in there, it's quite surreal. It hasn't really sunk in yet, but I'm just grateful that I have been able to see the heartbeat so early, it's put my mind at rest so much.

One thing's for sure though - I am going to STOP taking my temperature as of today! :cheer:
congratulations laura, that is fantastic news.

have a happy & healthy pregnancy.
:dance: :hug:
awww hun im absolutely over the moon for you :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
am so pleased am sat here all hormonal crying now :cry:
just chill now hun and enjoy your pregnancy wont be long and you will be a mamma :D xxxxxxxxxxx

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