We got our child benefit number... Now what?


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2008
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Hurray! We finally got our child benefit number! It was like pulling teeth! If everything goes smoothly from now on, can anyone tell me about what to expect (based on their experiences)? We are expecting child benefit (of course), child tax credit and the Sure Start maternity grant, as well as the child trust fund cheque. As far as I know, everyone has been waiting for the child benefit people. Do you think I will be waiting another few months?
once i had my child benifit sorted everything else was done within a week hun and all money was in my bank :hug:
hope it doesnt take too long to sort out for you
The trust fund cheque will come automatically, the benefits payment should go into your account soon (mine had a date they were paying it on and it came with the backdated amount too) and tax credits you'll need to fill in a form for. Our tax credits didn't take long, it was less than a month I think.
We applied for everything at the same time, well before Jacob was three months, but the child benefits people make so many mistakes. First they told us they never received the application, then they called back the next day saying they found it, but lost the first two pages... etc, etc. So really I am just waiting for the tax credit people to act on the information they get from child benefit (or whatever happens) and so on. Our child benefits letter with the number didn't mention a date, though. :/

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