We are Team..... :-)


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2010
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Well girls i had my scan yesterday and it was AMAZING!!! Was a bit surreal seeing the spine and scull and things, but i have to say it made me so happy to know baby is healthy and well and everything seems to be fine! :) Baby was kicking loads, and the feet were low down which explained why i was feeling kicks in my down stairs area :lol:

Drum roll.... We are Team Pink!!!! :swaddle:

We are so happy that baby is okay :). Baby was also scratching her nose on the scan and hands were waving :). I'll attach a scan pic. :)



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Thanks twilly and vicky :) can't explain how happy i am!! Feeling the kicks every day now as well :). xxx
Go Team Pink!

Wow cant believe your 20 weeks, so pleased your scan went well and how wonderful your having a girl.

Glad things are going well

Take care

Aww thanks spinney, i know i still sometimes think wow 20 weeks!! How are you doing hun? xxx

Hehe vicky it is a strange feeling at first, i had flutters and like bubbley feelings for about a week, and then when i was relaxing on the sofa i felt a kick - or like a prod! hah :) felt like someone was flicking their finger against the side of my tummy. I then looked down and seen a little bit of my tummy pop out! It is a great feeling though :) you deffo know when its a kick! xxx
another for team pinkkkkkkkkkkkk YAYYYYY

awwww glad u enjoyed an every things going well, x x
Cheers hun :) really can't explain how happy i am that baby is okay. I had a few worries lurking in the back of my head - as you do, and it just feels great to know everything is fine. And now our wee bean is a proper wee baba, we're so excited to meet her! :) xxx
aw its such a big weight lifted an to be reasured

now you can start thinking of girlie namesssss x
i know :) thats one of the reasons we wanted to find out, so we could focus on names and buying things etc. It's made it all so much more real now, when me and oh were talking about it its like "we're gona have a baby girl :)!" its amazing xx
Great news, a little Scottish Lassie for you :)

Lovely pic too - can't wait for my scan, 5 days! x
Thanks shauna and jen! :)

Jen any idea what you are having? :) My computer is being a diddy and not loading the pics in your thread so i can't see them just now.

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Aaaw thats great news and what a lovely pic!! Congrats on team pink!

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