We are back....


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2005
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Me & Isaac have been offline for a while but as from today we are back. A few weeks back when we had the big thunderstorms our laptop got rained on through the velux window in the loft and we've only just got another one while we wait for the other to be fixed. I can't even begin to try and catch up with the forum so will have to start from scratch lol

We've been keeping well. Just got back from holiday on the Isle of Wight. I've been feeling a bit crap but am bouncing back now, thankfully, and Isaac is coming on in leaps and bounds.

Anyway hope you are all well and look forward to speaking to you soon.

Lou & Isaac x :wave:
Its funny but I have really really missed the forum. I've not been feeling too good and have been struggling a bit lately and have even had to go back on my citalopram and beta blockers but like I say i'm feeling better now but I really could have done with a chat on the forum I can tell you! lol

Lou x
Oh my mum is on betablockers, what are you on them for? if u dont mind me asking? :roll: Mum has thyroid probs! :wink:

Hope ur feeling better hun :wink:
:wave: Wondered where you were, thought little Isaac must be keeping you super busy!

Sorry to hear you've not been well :( Hope you feel better soon :hug:
Hi again

Thanks for your replies. Its good to be back :wink:

I am feeling much better now but I have had to go back on my tablets. The beta blockers are to stop panic attacks and the anti depressants stop anxiety. I had felt fine for ages but then one day i just woke up and felt absolutely rubbish! Hormones maybe? My sister takes beta blockers for thyroid problems too K X, she has graves diesease, so you can take them for alot of different illnesses and problems. I don't mind you asking. I have no secrets lol

Oh and Isaac has been keeping me very busy the little monster lol I'll post some up to date pics when I have time.

Lou x
Welcome back, :wave: :wave: I was only wondering today where you had dissapeared to!
Hi Lou

Welcome back.

It's awful when you can't access the forum isn't it!

Looking forward to some recent pics!


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