

Active Member
Nov 2, 2006
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Hello everyone!!!

Yesterday, my fiance and me decided that I should go back to Germany as I' am such an emotional wreck since I'm pregnant. No day goes by without me crying. I'm missing my mum (I know I know im 26 but I just can't help it) and my friends. My fiance will sort things out here in England and will follow me then. It's so sad. My flight goes tonight and I just hope all this isn't too much for our baby. I start getting tummy cramps again (just like period is coming) and today I had ... diarrhea :oops: sorry tmi again. It looked a bit odd to me, I wasn't sure if I see any blood in there. But when I wiped there was nothing like red or anything on the paper ... so sorry for tmi. This is going to be a hard day, I worry especially about the baby. Shouldn't there be blood on the paper, too if it was something bad? I just worry so much.

Can anyone help me and calm me down?

Hi Hunny

The flight won't upset baby at all - but you need to calm yourself down. I am sure that once you are back around your family you will feel sooooo much better. I'm 32 and still get homesick occasionally and my family are only 250 miles away! Particularly times like this, you sometimes just need your mum!

Anyway as I say I'm sure you'll feel a lot better once you're there.

Will you keep in touch with us?

Yes I will. I won't take my laptop with me this time as I'm scared its going to heavy for me with all the stuff. So my fiance will bring it with him when he comes to me on christmas. Means I can be online at christmas again.

Maybe I will get a chance to get online somewhere earlier. Or maybe Mick (finace) might put any news in here :think: I doubt it thou. He might feel strange in here hehe.

I will miss it talking to you all as you r such a great help and so kind.

Have a good flight and I hope its not too long before you and Mick are re-united. :hug:
good luck honey,and dont feel ashamed for doing whats right for you...if you need your family, you go to your family nad your lovely oh will be with you before you know it...all the best and dont worry about your tummy, i had that too and it was just a wee tummy bug with dia, cleared itself up in a couple of days, and stress wont help....breathe deep and think of the lovely cuddles from you mum.


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