Watery dc? tmi lol


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2011
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Does anyone else have this at the mo? It doesn't smell of anything and isn't wee cos I get it even with an empty bladder. Have had this the last few days and is mixed with white dc. Dunno what to make of it xxxxxxxx
I had this just before labour, was very confusing cos I couldn't tell if it was waters, pee or discharge. I even had DH smelling pads.

I had a real increase in dc around 35 weeks. I posted at the time and lots of girls commented and said they had the same x
I've had alot of wet sanitary towels too hun for a few weeks but to be honest mine smells a bit sweet and a little like bleach (TMI!!) Is that totally wierd????? lol
Thanks girls, not worried about it but that wet feeling can make you panic a bit for a moment lol xxxxxxxx
I have it!
This morning I went back to the bedroom and sat on the bed next to Jeremy. We have faded black sheets- when I stood up there was a foof shaped wet patch just next to him. (I was wearing just a nightie with no underwear when I had sat down!) His face was a picture. Then he called Imogen in an said 'Mummy just wee'd on the bed!' I quickly tried to explain to her that it was not wee- but imagine trying to explain to a 4 year old what discharge is, and what it's purpose is! So I gave up!

Brilliant - bet when I pick her up from school today, her teachers give me a dirty glare!!!!

I can't wait until these unpleasant things stop happening!!!
Hahahahahah what an absolute git :D. My OH seems to think I'm just constantly glad to see him......erm I think not unless he comes bearing chocolate and something sparkly lol
Ye ive got this too, its horrible :( seems to get worse the further we get! xx

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