Watching telly


Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2011
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I know alot of people don't agree with letting there LO watching tv but ruby loves waybuloo it's only on for 25 mins and she yaps away to the telly when it's on and smiles constantly. Does anyone else let there LO watch any children's programmes xxx
I let Tyler watch a baby Einstein DVD every couple of days it's only half an hour long but that's it

If I need to get washing done or something then I put babytv on. Joshua seems to enjoy it and means I get on with what I need to do.x
I cnat stop harry he cranes his neck or wriggles around so he can see it!! ALso I let him watch it when I burp him as otherwise he screams the house down coz he is being taken away from his milk!!
Really don't see anything wrong with LOs watching tv. It would be different if they are plonked in front of the TV all day with no interaction and that was it for them, but watching A programme, or having tv on in the background? Don't get the problem.

We have disney junior and baby tv on most of the time, LO rarely gives it much notice unless there is singing, he LOVES the songs and dances along. I think childrens tv offers stimulation and is educational and don't see the harm!
Really don't see anything wrong with LOs watching tv. It would be different if they are plonked in front of the TV all day with no interaction and that was it for them, but watching A programme, or having tv on in the background? Don't get the problem.

We have disney junior and baby tv on most of the time, LO rarely gives it much notice unless there is singing, he LOVES the songs and dances along. I think childrens tv offers stimulation and is educational and don't see the harm!

Thank god!! Was beginning to think i am awful for having it on in the background! I have cbeebies on, and he seems to like quite a few programs but the only ones he will sit and wath most of the way through are waybuloo and itng...and he only gets to watch one whilst I'm sorting his bath and bedtime milk out. I do put radio 1 on sometimes so he knows that there's something else too but turn it down or back on to cbeebies when fearne cotton comes on lol (jm not keen on her music playlists)

But I have seen that some are educational and good, and to be very honest when he's had me up all night and i feel like a zombie with a killer headache the tv is a lifesaver, even if for just ten mins whilst I have a cup of tea... I also have a little dog that wants taking out every day so come rain oe shine we go out in the pram for near enough 2 hour after lunch every day, so he gets some good fresh air too :-)
I agree. Don't see anything wrong with having the telly on in the background. At the moment, it's just a big flashing, noisy light to them! When they're up and active, it's maybe a different story.
I just let sophie get on with it. She seems so content and amused watching, surely at this stage thats a good thing as it must be causing some mental stimulation for them? I agree with others and dont think its a bad thing at this age, its more when theyre glued to it age 2/3.
I cnat stop harry he cranes his neck or wriggles around so he can see it!! ALso I let him watch it when I burp him as otherwise he screams the house down coz he is being taken away from his milk!!

Ruby's like this especially when she is on her playmat and u can see her trying to wiggle to see the tv zx
In a morning it also gives me chance to get ready as it keeps her occupied lol!
most kiddies programmes are quite educstional now anyway..i dont see any harm letting them watch some 4year old is a giant ball of energy she never stops, so if i get her to sit and watch a couple of cartoons it means i can get abit of cleaning/cooking/anything done ha..also junior loves football must be the bright green pitch he gets mad if you turn him away from it..
I don't see anything wrong with a bit of of TV. I have it on most of the day and have always done so she got used to sleeping and being around noise.

She is has so far only been interested in football and golf which I'm sure is down to the bright green and movement. Have put baby tv on but it has not caught her attention just yet.
I don't see how watching tv is any different to having a flashing talking toy for them to play with?

Ella LOVES peppa pig and is instantly attracted when she hears it come on and will sit and watch happily!

I don't see the problem at all! I'm sure the majority of people I know have the tv on in the background most of the day too!


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