warm trickle


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2011
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i think some of my waters may have gone it was a slight warm trickle and it was after i got bh. Problem is im now doubting myself and think could i peed myself? I never have ever so would be strange to do it now. Anyone else had this?
This is what I had when my waters broke - I kept standing up and feeling another trickle! It does smell differently than if it was wee, if you're unsure I'd suggest calling labour ward - they'll be able to check for you. Good luck!! x
ring the labour ward for peice of min d x
That's so weird I was just about to post a thread because I'm having the same thing! I've had cramps and tightenings all day, nothing consistent and I just relaxed and felt a trickle. I checked my pad and it wasn't wee and definitely didn't smell like wee. I've had a couple more trickles but was just going to keep an eye on it. Let me know what the labour ward says if you ring them hun xxx
i did have this for a good few weeks before labour was mainly after i was sitting or laying down for long periods of time x
Taffyrose- that's exactly how my labour started! Start timing how often and how long your contractions are xx
Not too sure about the trickles, but good luck ladies, hope its time :D x x
i rang them they said to go get checked so am going up at nine. They told me if it is fluid i will be induced tomorrow. Now i think im just a pee pee pants lol x
Good luck hun, let us know how you get on xxx
Good luck, let us know how you get on x
Good luck kentgall

Any news from u taffy? Xx
went up there, had a spec thingy up me and my waters are intact and im not diliated any :(. Midwife said it was a collection of watery discharge. X
Good luck kentgall

Any news from u taffy? Xx

Not had much more leakage but am getting pains roughly every 7 minutes and I've just emptied my bowels (sorry tmi). Am just gently rocking on my ball and keeping calm at the moment, especially as I've come across all hot and clammy. Have said to my OH I'll give the labour ward a ring if the pains go to every 5 mins and get worse, am very aware they could suddenly stop xxx
It's all go tonight!!! Good luck taffy!
went up there, had a spec thingy up me and my waters are intact and im not diliated any :(. Midwife said it was a collection of watery discharge. X

Sorry to hear that hun, have you had any contractions? xxx
Hope things get going for you soon hon x

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