Want a BFP!


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2011
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I am now officially back to ttc after a m/c on the 18th Feb. It happened naturally so I didnt need any procedures. I bled quite heavily for less than week then had nothing. My hcg levels were down to 4 on Tues when I got discharged.

My period was regular as anything pre m/c and always arrived on the 28 or 29 of the month. I got up yesterday and was bleeding. This would be 4 days late from usual. I have set this as day 1 on my clearblue montior but Im now wondering if you would think this is a period? It seems a little lighter than normal. I presume it is and I am desperate to get a bfp. Usually ovulate on day 19 or 20. Am I rushing do u think? It only took 2 months of using the monitor before so Im so hopeful.
Sorry to hear what you've been through. I don't think you are rushing it. FX for a BFP soon:dust::dust::dust::dust:
So sorry for your loss! Hope you get you're bfp soon!!:)
Hey hun - I'm sorry for your loss :-(

I would say it is your period - my personally opinion and from my past experience I would say that the reason your period is lighter is due to your lining not having the chance to build up as much. I don't think every period gets rid of ALL your uterine lining ( hence why sometimes you get black and brown blood as it's so old )
Hope this helps xxx

I dont think its too soon, i had a MC at the end of Jan and my AF returned today after 5 weeks . I should OV on CD 14 and i will be trying maybe we will get a BFP at the same time :smile: xxx
Here hoping we will both move to firsr trimester together!
I don't think you're rushing - whatever feels right to you hun!

I had a MMC in Jan and have waited til AF has been before TTC but that was what felt right to me!!!

FX and sending lots of :dust::dust::dust::dust: your way!!!

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