walking pains.


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2005
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Just wondering the past week i have really bad pains in my tummy when i walk, its near where my section scar is.
Does anyone else have this or is it just me?
Its getting so bad i have to keep stopping and walk sooo slow , i want to go for walks a few tiems a week but it just kills me :?

I've had similar pains too. Right down at the bottom of my bump, sometimes if I get up too fast they come, and in the night getting up to go to the loo. Doc said it's normal - probably ligaments stretching. I had it with my first too, not with second but there's been a big gap between PG2 and this one so things are a bit stiffer I think! If you get worried about it talk to MW and they'll reassure you but it is normal to get some pains. Just if it gets really unbearable or prolonged you should see someone more urgently. Hope things get a bit more comfy for you as time goes on!! Not bloody likely eh :)
It could be where the scar tissue from your C-Section is expanding, after all it isn't too long since you had the op right?

Also some stitches that they use internally can take up to a year to dissolve fully, depending upon the type used.

It may just be muscular pains, or you could have some small adhesions from the surgery that are causing the pains?

Might be worth asking the Dr what he/she thinks. :?

Thanks for your replies, i knwo the odd pains is normal , as ive had the ones when i get up too fast ect.
But im more ocncerned about the whole walkign thing it doenst matter when i go how long i go for , but its so painful, people look at me strange as im walking funny then keep sitting, its almost pointless to go out now.

Hellokitty i was thinkingit could be my scar tissue as well but dont know if its suppost to feel like this after ? i know its very soon, which is why most doctors worry about the scar opening up.
We dont have MW out here and i can never get into my doctors.
Do you think i should wait as thursday i have my ultrasound, they would be able to tell if somthing was wrong couldnt they?


Poor you - they should be able to take a good look at your ultrasound! NO midwifes?! Am surprised by that!

But the above suggestions sound feasible. If you are really owrried can you not try and get a doctors appointment.
*saulino* said:

Do you think i should wait as thursday i have my ultrasound, they would be able to tell if somthing was wrong couldnt they?


I'm sure it'll be fine to wait until Thursday, although obviously if it got alot worse then I'm sure you'd get it checked out sooner.

Just tell them what you are feeling and maybe if you ask the Dr outright whether it is related to your C-Section then he/she might well be able to re-assure you.

Thanks girls.

topbird we do have midwives here but girls rarely use them because they are never talked about , you kinda have ot do your own research and get one on your own. A friend of mine had one and she recommends them but oi have my doctor now for one more visit at 24 weeks then i move onto the pregnancy clinic and i am more then likely getting the same doctor that delivered Kiara she is really nice.

Hellokitty ithink ill wait till thursday, im gonna have lots of walking then, have Kiaras shots then go home and in around lunch time go to our baby group then go home for an hour then to my scan :D so im hoping my tummy is up for all the walking in two days.

I think i will ask the nurses at my baby group on thursday and see what they say my nurse will be there, i just love her :)

Makes sense. i suppose you get used to they way things are done in one country so it is hard to imagine another way of doing something!

Hope you are Ok on Thursday - sure you will be. Be thinking of you x
yes i've been getting them to... just today as soon as i left my flat, the pains came it took me ages to get to the bus stop, because i had to stop and walking slow.. :(

topbird thank you hun, it is fine im sure, i thought the same thing when i first came here and everyone always talks about their MW i was like what are they lol, :lol: you can tell im from somewhere else, an outsider .

neeko_1- are your pains this far low as well, i was telling my sister yesterday the baby has so much room to get comfy now and it chooses to go as low as possible :lol: , trying to torture me already.

yeh there are low down.. on my left side... it's horrible and everyone looks at you :x

i feel like say eh yes can i help you??

anyway.. i don't a clue what it could be, but i wish would stop lol but it won't get any easier :wall:

so much pain we go though to have a beautiful baby :lol:

Yes hun i agree , mine is very low down along the middle right where my scar is and just above.
I thought it was because of my scar but guess not.
I hate when people stare expecually with my mood lately i almost feel like mouthing them off, but i have to be a good role model :lol:
yeh i'm quit a mouthy girl anyway.. if some pushes me on the bus i will say something etc

lol but i've been good it must be the mother in me coming out lol

Lol ya must be :lol:
A few weeks ago i was grocery shopping with Kiara and my mom well my mom wondered off so i went to turn into an isle and she wasnt there so i went to back up and this lady uhhhh cant you move, i lost it i said fuck you lady you f****** old cow , you could of at least asked me nicer .
I was in a real bad mood that day :?
Poeple dont realize how hormonal we are these days


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