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Waking up after 30 minutes


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Aug 8, 2011
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I am a first time mum and my little girl has been very difficult for the first 9 weeks, i have been finding it very hard.
People say it does get easier and it has done but the current difficulty is she wakes after 30 minutes - i can set the clock by her.
She sleeps well at night, waking once (sometimes not at all) Tends to go down at 10pm, wakes sometimes 2am-3am goes back down until around 6am and will normally go back down until 9.30. Everyone i speak to says well at least you get sleep at night but I would prefer she took proper naps during the day and perhaps woke once or twice at night. She screams during the day because she is overtired.
I put her down after her feed and she goes down okay (I swaddle her and rock her - she wasn't sleeping at all for the first few weeks and had to do this). I put her down and she falls into a deep sleep, 30 minutes later - she is awake. Eyes wide open. I go into her, try to settle her in her cot - but she never does. I lift her and she falls straight back asleep in my arms, try to put her back down and she screams as soon as she lies down. I have to lift her again, this could go on until her next feed. She will sleep if i hold her in my arms and sit on couch. I don't want to do this but is this the option so that she doesn't get overtired? She is on lactose free milk and medicine for reflux because she was crying all the time when she was younger and this is what the doctor and hv 'guessed' was wrong with her. She does the same at night time but eventually goes back down. I tend to put her down around 9pm, 30 minute nap settle again and she goes back down (after a few attempts) around 10pm.
Does anyone relate to this? ANyone offer any suggestions?
Do you sleep her on her back? Maybe she'd rather be a tummy or side sleeper? My LO couldn't sleep on his back from about 1 week old, if that. We chose to co-sleep with him and we still do mostly. And I'm still BFing so at least I can just roll him on in the night if he wants fed. He can now sleep on his back fine, grew out of anti-back lol at about 5 months old.

If you're worried about tummy or side sleeping do you have a sensor mat?

My LO has always been a cuddly sleeper so I have no advice as I'm a soft touch and am happy to get the cuddles in lol. Maybe you could try a sling so you could wear her and still have both arms free? Alot of people on here have got a lot of good things to say about slings and it's something I'd defo look into if we have another.

Thanks very much for replying. I haven't tried sleeping her on her tummy or side because she seemed comfy on her back at night. I am quite happy giving her the cuddles but I just worried that she will never grow out of wanting cuddles to sleep???

At this age shoudl she be sleeping after every feed??? She never seems to do the same thing two days in a row? everyone mentions routines but I can't seem to get her to do the same thing.
Yeah I think it's normal to be sleeping alot at that age, esp after a feed when their warm and full. Oscar used to sleep loads at that age, was alseep more than awake defo.

I'm a soft touch with my baby, so's my OH and we've always cuddled him all the time. Soon as he was born we never put hin down and everyone said we were making a rod for our own backs, but now he's just over 7 months and getting more independant he's getting so he doesn't aways want cuddles to sleep etc anymore - don't get me wrong more often than not he does, but we know it's not forever and we're defo making the most of it before he doesn't want any more cuddles lol

You have to do what feels right for you, some people will say try controlled crying, but that wasn't for us. Nothing wrong with it, but neither of us can listen to Oscar cry if all he wants is a cuddle. He's a very independant boy and very sociable too, he's not clingy and loves attention from anyone and everyone so we haven't molly coddled him (or whatever the saying is lol), he just likes the security when he goes to sleep. Once he's in bed he sleep fine and in his own space.

Whatever you do just enjoy them cuddles lol xxxx
My LO has only ever had 30min naps. If your LO won't go longer than 30mins,try more naps through the day instead
Yes my Lo will only nap for a max of 45 minutes each nap during the day. Hes always been the same even when he was tiny tiny xxxxxxxx
Matthew was the same, for a while he wouldn't sleep in his cot during the day at all, only at night! He would only ever fall asleep on me!
He has since grown out of it though, he will now have 2 hour and a half to 2 hour naps in his cot during the day! It's mainly since he has started to roll over from his back! Always seems more comfy on his front!
I hope it gets easier for you soon hun!

My lo the same he great at night and only cat naps during the day but i think u cant have it both ways somtimes, i takes a while for dale to dose over through the day unless he out in the pram and its usually only if he moving like in his vibrating chair or his swing thing!! If he sleeps under his play gym its for like ten minutes !! Its tricky my first was good a sleeping all the time now at the age of six he tells me he hates sleeping haha i love getting cosy in bed never get why kids fight it lol xx

Hope u work it out soon x
yes Owen was the same too and I used to worry about having no routine. We did one based on eat,activity,sleep then you time. He used to always wake after a 45 min nap and I used to put him in the sling (moby) often he'd go back to sleep for another 45. For about 6 weeks I used to rub and shh him trying to get him back to sleep after every nap! hardly ever worked and cant believe i wasted so much time really!! Recently we ended up having to do controlled crying cos there was no other way, said I could never do it but in fact he is so excellent at putting himself to sleep now it's been totally amazing.
So a little rambling I'm afraid but what I'm trying to say is they change all the time...and it wont last long. DO What you feel is right and it's excellent that Little one is sleeping so well at night! xx

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