hi Midna,
what's Seed's feeding schedule like nowadays? Is she going longer in the day?
I'm just wondering if she's used to having the boob quite regularly then she might be getting little, therefore she'll need it often. It might just be something that she's used to, sleeping really lightly and waking for feeds.
Maybe try eeking out her day feeds a little, like 10 mins each time. Then maybe she'll take a little more at each feed and this might follow during the night.
I know you are co-sleeping and I've absolutely nothing against that, I think it's great. Just to say that I didn't co-sleep but I did insist on sleeping in the same room as Ash for the first 6 months (due to cot death guidelines). I've now moved out, so speak and wow! what a difference! He doesn't wake half as much and most nights goes from 8pm till 7am-ish! I've concluded that I was either making too much noise and waking him, or he was waking jsut becasue he knew I was close to him.
Just some thoughts, don't know if they'll help at all. I really feel for you and hope you get some sleep soon. When Ash was waking every 2-3 hours (for about a month) I thought I was never going to function as a human being again!