Vitamin B6


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2010
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Can't find much on the internet about it, but I got some Vitamin B6 as head it shortens luteal phase. I got 50mg but not sure whether to take one or two tablets a day?? and as we are not TTC this cycle (or next, probably) can I take it for the whole cycle? Anything else anyone can recommend taking for my cycles off that might help? In my stash of pills I have: Evening primrose oil, agnus castus, folic acid (obviously), other random pregnancy vits, normal multi vits.......oh and obviously clomid, but think they doc might wonder where that had gone if I took it :eh: xxxx

If I ever get pregnant and hang onto it, I'll have a little party and post out all the useful tablets to those who need em!
Hiya, I took a vitamin B supplement few months back but i run out now, they where vit b & vit 12.
Yes you can take it right up till test day, if your taking a multi preg vitamin i wouldnt take the normal multi vitamins, cause your getting quite a lot in the preg vitamins. Remember to stop the evening primrose oil ones as soon as you get a positive opk. Good luck hun. X
I took B6 all cycle. Helped loads with my skin. Never tried evening primrose oil, what does that do? And ok on clomid? xxxx
Evening primrose is meant to help balance the hormones, I read its good to take it up to ov. I'm guessing clomid would have a better effect though. Having said that I felt better health wise taking evening primrose than I did last cycle taking clomid!! My skin is terrible, I will deffo keep up the B6 then :). Hope you're ok xxx

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