Very very clingy child help advice needed !


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2010
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Ever since Maddie broke her toe and had her pot on she has been the most clingiest child in the world ever!!!! I don't know if the trip to the hospital had set her off or what, she has a thing about strangers well actually she cries when her auntie looks at her?!? Is this normal? I'm getting really really worried now she just sticks to me like glue and starts to panic and cry if she thinks I am going to leave her, she's gonna be going to nursery soon but I'm really scared about her going :( I feel like I done something wrong somewhere and it's my fault! :( I feel so sorry for her bless her whats the best thing to do? Anyone's replies I would be really grateful :)

P.s her pot has been off two weeks now and her toe is fine, also she would never look at my sister basically since she has been really tiny and just certain people she just covers her ears and head and starts to cry if they so much as attempt to talk to her!!! :(

and what do you do when she does that? your reaction is important as i think at first all strangers are a threat. id pick her up/cudle her and introduce her to the person then smile and chat with the person and ignore her if she cries and gets upset unless shes terribly upset obviously. that way your showing her that its ok to talk to that person. it could be a control issue where she does that so that you dont leave her or so you dont give other ppl any attention
I teach small people and just wanted to reassure you about leaving her at nursery. Lots of our new starters are wobbly when their mummys first leave them and we give lots of cuddles when needed. They usually get so caught up in all the exciting new things to do they soon forget and are fine till hometime
Thanks for that beanstar :) it's reassuring to know, bless her she's just going through that phase at the mo :) x

I'm no expert but don't they go thru phases with the separation anxiety? Could it b that hun? Just coinciding with the broken toe?
My little man does the crying with certain people and strangers- its just usually if they get too close too quick or pick him up if he hasn't had a chance to 'suss them out'! Lol! I think some kiddies r just a bit more wary. Hope she settles down soon xx
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Do you know come to think of it when they x rayed her they had to prize her from my arms and ever since that really she's kind of hated me to leave her! She's a little better now but still frightened for me to leave her anywhere! Thanks hun xx


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