Very Scared!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2010
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found out yesterday that i was about 4 weeks gone which i am soo happy about as we have
been trying for over a year.

but am now so scared that i am going to MC, i wasn't even going to tell the OH as i have had 2 in the past and a chem pregnancy and each time he got sooo excited and then it ended in MC.

to make matters worse my GP is useless i have been saying that i would change my GP for ages but now i think it would be wise to say there,

i hate going to the loo cause ever time i go i expect that i will see blood, don't know how to cope with the next few weeks like this!:help:
Hey Hun I had a bleed at 10 weeks and was a serial pant checker after that!!! :D it's normal after what you have experienced just try and relax and the more it progresses you will feel less scared :) x

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The truth is, you won't stop checking and there is nothing you can do really to relax yourself. You will worry like crazy but the only two things that helped a tiny bit for me was thinking that stress wouldn't be good for the baby and whatever was going to happen would happen so for me to try not to be too down about anything before it has happened.

Due to my mc between my first successful pregnancy and this one, I couldn't chill and enjoy it at all! Was just dying to get to 12 weeks for my scan and all was fine. The was dying to get to 20 weeks for my scan and again, all was fine. Now just cant wait for 3rd trimester! We always worry and especially if we have good reason to but can only hope that we'll be fine!

Good luck to you and take ur folic acid if ur not already (I used to pretend they were 'keep baby alive' pills) so it helped me mentally to take them! And sorry for waffling, its just I've been where u r xxx
Wise words Lex, couldn't agree more! The sad fact is that miscarriage can really take the joy out of a subsequent pregnancy, but I was alot better after my 12 week scan. You just have to take each day at a time, focus on the positives. Pregnancy comes with lots of associated aches, pains and twinges - mine has been full of em so try not to worry about every little one! Good luck xx
I worry like crazy too! I've only known 5 days but am constantly checking my pants and taking pregnancy tests to check i still am, which i know is stupid because it would keep showing a positive anyway, but i keep thinking its not real til i see the test again. Paranoid much!
Just went out and bought a clearblue digital!!! decided that when i saw the word pregnant i was going to stop worrying and let nature do it's thing!! if it is going to happen it will either way and i will just be positive until the end.

but have promised my other half if it does end early we will stop trying for a while and i will get some counselling which should hopefully help me out a lot!
hi hun just wanted to say I know how you feel. After my MC in april im finding thisa very difficult and worry time! Im past the stage I had the MC at last time and I saw my ickle one at 9 weeks on an ultra sound its heart beating away so feel a bit more reassured now. Why not ask for an early scan, I did at my docs and they refered me to EPU which has helped as my 12 week is not till 6th Jan which is ages away!! xx
Hi Weggi :wave:
We have the exact same due date :)
Try & stay positive, it must be so hard but stress will only upset the bean!
Good luck & try to enjoy it if you can x
Hi Weggi I am so worried too (you may have read some of my threads) I just want feb to come so i can have the scan and then i will know if i can get excited or not. If you ever need to talk pm me :) xx
i get scared everytime i go to the toilet to incase i find blood, but i just try not to worry to much (as hard as it is) i keep saying 'i am going to enjoy this pregnancy'...

hope you start enjoying being pregnant soon.. we are all worriers.. stay positive hun xx
Hey, well congratulations hun in the first place: regarding two mc; I mc back in June this year and am currently just 10 weeks gone on a second pregnancy this year. I am still checking myself each time I go to the loo and am worrying constantly, you are so not alone hun and all I can suggest is you do what you need to do to ease your worries and if you have to check every time you wee, then do as after one mc all we do is worry that we might have another. I have gone so far as to checking myself when in my car driving and feeling something; it is obsessive, but understandable under the circumstances. It is frightening and I have been in tears alot due to worrying, the trouble is you cannot battle nature which I am trying to accept. Look after yourself , take you Folic acid and keep a check on things, is all you can do. Tell your partner as he needs to know really and if you have mc x2 then it is better you are both looking out for you and the bean.Talk around your concerns of reoccuring MC and how will you cope if it happens again, but also remain hopeful, as things might be okay. I would think you may need to keep realistic about it and understand the risk of MC and not get to excited right now, as a disappointment would be far greater. You may be fine this time and you can revel in the enjoyment in the future, but for now keep your feet on the ground as best you can. I am to struggling with things and am taking each day as it comes, but I am bricking it and just keep praying things will be okay. My thoughts are with you and your partner and wish you both the best of luck truly xxxx
Sweetie.. You need to learn to relax and dont think about it... more thoughts you put into your head more not good for the baby..Try to relax and erase up your mind.. go have some fresh air and dont think about the word"MC" erase it off your strong yourself you'll make it this time for your little bean sake!.. alot of rest and look after yourself thas important thing.. wish you all the best plus we all here for you

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