Very high temp - update


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2007
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Ella has no teeth yet, we've had a few questionable episodes over the last few months but nothing came of them. Ella has been more drooly of late (Her new walker has been setting itself off cause whenever she's in it drool strings down on to the electronic tray and now it's ruined :roll: ), had a runny nappy this morning and has just got over a cold. She's been very unsettled tonight, OH mentioned she was just lying awake and felt warm but apparently not too hot every time I asked. He took her out of the cot, she started crying and he gave her to me - She was boiling. Started to take her clothes of and she got hysterical, went all red and I swear to God I thought she was having a fit, she started moving her body uncontrollably but I think she was just hot and trying to wriggle away (She's not a very cuddly baby)

Anyways, took her temp and it was 38.7 degrees. Too hot for teething? We've given her 2.5mls of Nurofen and stripped her down to her and she's calmed down, still a bit whingey though. Her gums feel okay, there may be a lump there but she hates us trying to touch her gums so I'm not sure.

I dunno what is classed as a high temp to be honest, I know anything over 37.5 is classed as a temp but when is it we should worry?
Calpol is the best thing to bring down a temperature because it contains paracetamol.
38.7 isn't too bad but obviously higher than normal. I'd keep checking her temp every 4 hours if it continues to rise call NHS Direct for more advice.
Thanks hun. Ella won't take Calpol :roll: Baby Nurofen has ibuprofen in it but so far her temp is still 38.5. She's fine now though..And me being the stupidly neurotic person that I am already called NHS Direct because the website said to if baby had a fever and had been abroad recently (We came back from 11 days in Majorca on Saturday). I don't think the nurse was too impressed.. :lol:
Hey hun,

Sorry to hear you little one is feeling poorly :( :hug:

You really need to give Calpol for the paracetemol to control any temp as Ibuprofen just really combats aches and pains.

Hope she is better real soon :hug:
SarahH said:
Hey hun,

Sorry to hear you little one is feeling poorly :( :hug:

You really need to give Calpol for the paracetemol to control any temp as Ibuprofen just really combats aches and pains.

Hope she is better real soon :hug:

ibuprofen is still thought to reduce temperature although its generally assumed that paracetamol is more effective. if she seems ok in herself now, i wouldn't worry too much.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I disagree with the others and have always found ibuprofen more effective at bringing down Lucy's temperature and keeping it down. When she was admitted to hospital at 8 months with a sky high temp that calpol wouldn't touch the ibuprofen that the hospital gave her worked like a miracle. It can take a little longer to work than calpol but works within about half an hour.

If her temp has come down and she seems settled then I would leave it for now but if you find you can't manage her temp with either the ibuprofen or calpol or if she's no better tomorrow I'd speak to your doc.
Poor Ella :hug: Hope she's feeling better this morning! Charlotte, I would have called NHS direct too :oops: :lol: Better to be safe than sorry though! xx
Becky said:
I disagree with the others and have always found ibuprofen more effective at bringing down Lucy's temperature and keeping it down. When she was admitted to hospital at 8 months with a sky high temp that calpol wouldn't touch the ibuprofen that the hospital gave her worked like a miracle. It can take a little longer to work than calpol but works within about half an hour.

If her temp has come down and she seems settled then I would leave it for now but if you find you can't manage her temp with either the ibuprofen or calpol or if she's no better tomorrow I'd speak to your doc.

I agree... Ibuprofen was always better at getting Tia's temp down and keeping it down... however in cases of chickenpox it can lead to complications where as paracetamol won't...

38.5º can be a teething temp.... any higher or other symptoms suggests its a virus. How is she in herself...?? If she is quite sick, vomiting, cough, cold then it isn't a teething temp. Also sometimes, a raised temp and no other symptom can be a sign of a urine infection. Does her urine smell bad? and is she feeding more?
Squiglet said:
I agree... Ibuprofen was always better at getting Tia's temp down and keeping it down... however in cases of chickenpox it can lead to complications where as paracetamol won't...

I didn't know that about the chickenpox, that's interesting - thanks!!
Thanks everyone :hug:

Squiglet said:
Becky said:
I disagree with the others and have always found ibuprofen more effective at bringing down Lucy's temperature and keeping it down. When she was admitted to hospital at 8 months with a sky high temp that calpol wouldn't touch the ibuprofen that the hospital gave her worked like a miracle. It can take a little longer to work than calpol but works within about half an hour.

If her temp has come down and she seems settled then I would leave it for now but if you find you can't manage her temp with either the ibuprofen or calpol or if she's no better tomorrow I'd speak to your doc.

I agree... Ibuprofen was always better at getting Tia's temp down and keeping it down... however in cases of chickenpox it can lead to complications where as paracetamol won't...

38.5º can be a teething temp.... any higher or other symptoms suggests its a virus. How is she in herself...?? If she is quite sick, vomiting, cough, cold then it isn't a teething temp. Also sometimes, a raised temp and no other symptom can be a sign of a urine infection. Does her urine smell bad? and is she feeding more?

We've had a bit of a rough night, Ella went down at about 12:45am, she seemed to have cooled down and was back to her normal self. We thought she had gone to sleep but after about 30mins she started screaming and it was on and off like this for about an hour. OH thought she was cold so he put a babygro on her as she was only in her nappy (Short sleeved) and he brought her in with us where she slept on top of the duvet after downing 5oz of milk. Then she woke up BOILING hot and screaming and this time throwing up :( This was about 3:30am so we gave her another dose of nurofen (It says for fever on the pack? We've always found it to be quite effective until last night).

So she spent from then until now sleeping on and off in her bouncer, she's definately not herself. She feels cooler, I don't know if she has a temp right now as she's asleep and screams blue murder whenever we try to take it.
I think you're right Squig, she's just got over a cold so I don't know if that's a contributing factor but with the vomiting it sounds like a virus. I'll see how she goes this morning and if her temp still hasn't significantly drop I'll take her to the docs.

Thanks for all your advice :hug:
I would def take her to the docs if she's vomiting as well, it might be nothing more to worry about but better to be sure just in case.

Hope she feels better soon! :hug:

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