Very anxious


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2005
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Hi, I have posted on here about my job, how I changed office and didn't like it and maternity pay if I left etc.

Anyway, I am finally being moved (after a drastic email to the boss of HR) into the drugs rehab unit as a case administrator, which I was before but in reintegration.

Anyway the thing is I am so so anxious!!!! I move tomorrow and very worried, about silly things really but I hope it isn't worse than where I was :pray:

I am not returning after I have the baby as I have a uni place and it wouldn't be feesable with 2 little ones but its still a few months before I go off on maternity.

I am worried that being so anxious is having an affect on little one :(
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Baby is hardier than you think and a little anxiousness won't do any harm.

Hope it all goes well for you :) If you feel tense have a nice long bath to keep you calm :)

Hope today goes well, let us know how you get on. I loves working in a drug rehab unit - hope you have the same type of experience x x x
Hi guys, :wave:

well today went better than I thought. Being in a field team is definitely what I prefer. Its a large office with several teams but the Drugs rehab team is fairly small, and its pretty much all a nice atmosphere.

I was covering reception this morning so had to deal with offenders and getting to know the phone again which was good and the time went fast but I had a thumping headache by lunch time :rotfl:

They said they weren't going to give me a case load but I said I would prefer that, feel part of the team and get my teeth into something, so first 2 weeks is finding my feet and then I will have 1 officer's offenders on my case load, the officer being someone I worked with before and is lovely. So at least I know they are prepared to do what I feel I can manage!

So yes, it went ok!!! glad the first day is over with!!! :cheer:

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