Vegetarian mums


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2008
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What are you feeding your LO?

I thought about this long and carefully. I've been vegetarian for over 10 years (out of which I was vegan for four years, I did have some fish oil during pregnancy, particularly last trimester) and maybe a few years back I would have made my LO vegetarian also.

However, I have now decided to give LO meat as well. My reason is that I don't want to make a decision for her. If she wants to be vegetarian later on, I'd be delighted. If not, that's her choice. I also thought that this way it is easier for her to get all the vitamins (particularly iron).

Having said that, when I gave her her first meat dish I felt awful as if in fact I was making a decision for her to eat meat and kill animals for her nutrition. However, I let the thoughts pass and have continued giving her meat dishes.

My mottos have been for a long time: 'It is unnecessary to kill for my nutrition' and 'Respect life'.
I eat fish, but no meat or poultry.

I decided that it is important for Phoebe to eat meat and fish to get the nutrients she needs whilst she is a child. When she reaches the same age that I did when I stopped eating meat (13) then I'd let her be a veggie. I think its important that she is at an age where she fully understands the choice she is making.

My OH would not have let me bring her up vegetarian even if I wanted to! He loves meat :puke:

Though I have to say so far, her favourite meals are vegetarian ones, she loves red lentils!
:hug: :hug:
I've been vegie for 8 years but oh loves his meat. We decided in the end to give Talia meat and let her make her own mind up in the future wether to eat it or not. If i was a single mum though, it might have been a different story! :wink:
Interesting, that both of you came to the same conclusion with me. I started cooking meat a few years ago for OH so I haven't had any trouble cooking for LO either. I am just hoping that she won't blame me for making her eat meat later on :?
i've never eaten meat (my mother aparently tried so hard to get me to eat anthing, but is was 100% breastfed till i was 3, but even when i started eating, i refused the meat) i dont feel for me it is nessessary for LO to be given meat, i can giver her protine and fats in other ways, but if she ever asked for it, i wouldnt have a problem letting her.
I'm veggie, my o/h adores meat and all four of the kids are vegetarian xx
I've been a veggie for years, but my OH isnt and wants Emms to eat meat. However her preferences at the moment are that she doesnt like meat anyway! She doesnt like chicken or beef and to be honest if she is getting her nutrients in other ways then I am happy at the moment but am quite happy to give her meat if she will eat it and not puke!

So far I have found cheesy veggies or veggies with beans a winner and she has yoghurt which has protein in also. :hug: :hug:
Thanks for your replies.

Loz - funny that you are saying that your LO doesn't like meat that much. I've been giving LO dishes which are mainly veggies and just bit of meat. But today I gave her more meat in her dish and she either became full very quickly or didn't like it as she didn't eat much :think: As always fruit pudding went down quickly afterwards.

Maybe it's true when they say that babies get used to tastes in mother's tummy. DD wouldn't have 'tasted' any meat whilst in my tummy. No wonder she loves baked beans :rotfl: as I lived on them when pregnant...
BabyMagic said:
Thanks for your replies.

Loz - funny that you are saying that your LO doesn't like meat that much. I've been giving LO dishes which are mainly veggies and just bit of meat. But today I gave her more meat in her dish and she either became full very quickly or didn't like it as she didn't eat much :think: As always fruit pudding went down quickly afterwards.

Maybe it's true when they say that babies get used to tastes in mother's tummy. DD wouldn't have 'tasted' any meat whilst in my tummy. No wonder she loves baked beans :rotfl: as I lived on them when pregnant...
I wondered that as well - she isnt used to the taste of meat because of me being a veg. I am going to try lentils soon and something eggy. I thought about asking the HV whether she needs the extra vitamin drops that they mention in the NHS weaning leaflet? Not sure if anyone else does this?
I plan on bringing Molly up vegetarian. The husband is Vegan and am veggie so it seems natural that we wouldn't feed her anything we wouldn't eat ourselves.

I am going to do a lot of research before she starts on solids and make sure I know about what foods to give her to ensure she gets everything she needs. When she gets older, if she wants to eat meat she can, but I wouldn't feel comfortable about givng her meat while she was very young.
I haven't give DD any vitamin drops (but she has meat)...
My LO still eats meat, although more often than not she will just have what we're eating. Sometimes my OH will cook spaghetti bolognese (LO's fave) and they will eat that and I'll have something different. If LO has a jar it will probably have meat in it.
I am vegetarian, OH is not

Anjali has developed meat-free into an incredibly healthy baby, she is around people all day bringing their coughs and colds into the gym and she has only had a sniffle once in 8 months. Im reluctant to give her meat because i wouldnt eat it myself. But I'll let her make her own choice when she's older, she may want what daddy eats. When she is old enough to she can make an informed decision to start eating meat, but if i give it to her now, that can never be undone ....i admit though i hope she wont want to eat meat.

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