Valleygirl24 has had her baby!

yay :cheer: congratz hun....welcome to the the world baby rhys hope you're good for mummy :hug:
Thanks for updating Vix, Rhys was born via emergency c section (after I had got to 9.5cm dilated) due to him not being fully engaged and being distressed. They broke my waters and when I went to the toilet it had meconium in it but when monitored he was fine. They wanted to put me onto the drip to try and get my contractions going stronger to get over the 'lip' of my cervix as that was all that was left but due the risks from his head still being high and the possibility of him being big the surgeon (think of John Cofey - from the green mile) came in to see me from theatre and decided after an internal (OMG that hurt, midwife today agrees he has hands like "shovels") that he was wanting to take me in for a section.
Was given a spinal and according to my notes the incision was made at 7.38 and Rhys was delivered at 7.42.
Was discharged from hospital last night but wasnt told until about half 8 so left there at 9.30. First night at home went quite well, hes feeding well but is currently on bottles as we had a few feeding issues.
Last but not least, here he is
CONGRATS, finally he decided to grace you with his presence! :cheer: :D
CONGRATS!...he is beautiful, what did he weigh cos he looks a little bruiser!
He was 8lb 5oz but he is actually quite little. Most of the newborn clothes we have wont last him long (up to 10lb) but he is completely drown in the 0-3m that we have. As I was told to expect him 9lb+ we bought loads of 0-3 and Ive got hardly anything in newborn so Im needing to go out and buy one or two more outfits for when I take him out and about

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