Uterine lining too thick!! What does it mean??


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2008
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I have had a laparoscopy, hysteroscopy and D&C done on Monday, I was on day 13 (usually ov on day 15/16) and he says that when doing the D&C my uterus lining was alot thicker than it should be at this point in my cycle, so he is sendin it too be tested.
I was wondering if anyone knows what this could mean??? What can make the lining thicker than it should be?
Any thoughts greatly appreciated x
chrest said:
I have had a laparoscopy, hysteroscopy and D&C done on Monday, I was on day 13 (usually ov on day 15/16) and he says that when doing the D&C my uterus lining was alot thicker than it should be at this point in my cycle, so he is sendin it too be tested.
I was wondering if anyone knows what this could mean??? What can make the lining thicker than it should be?
Any thoughts greatly appreciated x

Well there are parameters which the endometrium should fall into at certain points in your cycle but as there are a few factors which can make the lining different in thickness (Cycle Day, Your Age, Hormone levels, Your BMI) you may just have fell outside the "normal" parameters and your Consultant may just be being cautious and ordered tissue sampling. As the endometrium thickness is controlled by hormones, it could very likely just be down to hormones.
-More than likely your Doctor is just getting you checked as a precaution to rule out anything like hyperplasia, which is a thickening of the lining of the womb, caused by overgrowth of the cells that line the womb, which is easily treatable.
Thanks Rachael that's really helpful as consultant has mentioned he thinks I might have a progesterone deficiency, so could well be a hormone problem. Suppose I'll have to wait til I see him next week for the results.
:wave: Hi
I asked my mum today, she run's a Hysteroscopy clinic, she said that if the lining is too thick then as Rachael said it is a progesterone deficiency, and an effect of that means you may not be ovulating, in which case they may put you on something like Clomid. But she say's not too worry! :hug:

Good luck for your appointment next week :hug:
Thank you littlelambe for asking your mum, thats really sweet of you. I think its looking like a progesterone problem which to be honest is great as its a fixable problem. I know I am definitely ovulating and had a scan on day14 to show dominant follicle, plus opk's. So hopefully I will get some progesterone supplements/pessaries to help me along.

Thanks for your help.

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