Urchin's baby has arrived!! *pic Pg 7*


oh my goodness is he ever cute Urchin !!! well done . how are you feeling?? I hope you can both agree on a name it will come to you :hug:
You must be so relieved to be home .
Congrats again
He is GORGEOUS! He looks so healthy!
Congratulations!! Lxx
Oh Urchin, He's gorgeous!! How are you? I bet your boys are smitten!! Look forward to reading your birth story! Good luck name choosing!
aww another gorgeous little man to add to your family!

he is lovely! :D
Awww hes gorgeous, hope you come up with a name you both love soon :hug:
Aww he is cute. Looks quite tall to :D Congratulations.
What a gorgeous little boy Urchin. I can definately see Mason and Brody in him.
Hope you're ok, looking forward to reading your birth story :D

Congratulations to you all :hug:
Urchin said:
Hiya everyone, I'm home :wave:

Yeah they broke my waters and he arrived 1 hr 20 mins later!! I couldn't believe it, I was having contractions like 1 minute apart with no break or anything it was shocking!!
No time for any pain relief again except gas&air... I had pethedine but then had him 15 mins later so it didn't even have time to work till after I'd had him, typical!
Will post more details and my superfast birth story later but here's a pic for now, had to cover his little winky up LOL

Oh... and NO NAME yet!! I can't believe it! OH doesn't like Jenson, so back the drawing board!

Oh, and Kim, no worries about posting it, I text a load of people at once, friends, family and forum people...so I figured one of you would get in there and post it LOL


Congratulations xx
Awww he is absolutely gorgeous!!!

Arianna agrees with her "awwww... baby....pretty baby" comments :lol:
He is soooooo cute! :cheer:

He already looks full of life and energy - must be cos of the supershort labour! Good on you!!!

Pleased you're home :hug:
aww he is lovely, shame he cant be jenson because he would really suit it :D

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