

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2007
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So me and Coopers dad, David are not together we didn't really work and decided best for Coop is we are just friends. Ok. So today he walks in and says we need to talk he says ' you know that we are NEVER going to get back together don't you?' So i say Yes AND? He says ' just want to make sure you know we are NEVER going to get back together'.. i mean what do you say to that! I get the picture! I don't even know where its come from i don't even wanna get back with him! Which i told him so.

Also he came round last night to see Cooper. When he does come round i normally either take the dog for a walk or have a bath. So last night he said he'd take the dog out so i said ok so i'll have a bath.. got out of bath and he then said he had to go so didn't take the dog out! This annoyed me as i would have done this if i'd have known.. anyway he walked out and said see-ya which i didn't reply to as i was annoyed with him!

So after telling me we are never going to get back together he then said it's not working this and that i make him not want to come round.. all because i didn't say goodbye! I thought we'd been getting on ok and it was working.

I don't know whether i'm upset or argry. He's always made me feel i'm not worthy of him,so upset with the NEVER going to get back with you comment or angry cos who the fuck does he think he is!!! Which i did say to him BTW!

I dunno hes just really pissed me off! :evil: Think we need to start a routine off becos at the moment he just comes and goes as he pleases hes got a key and just walks in. Maybe its time to be doing the hour so so 3 times a wk. As for money Coopers 12wks old today and he decided he was going to give me £20 a wk and all i've had is £40! CSA is out as he doesn't work.

David needs to realise he's not the be all and end all and he's got nothing in his life i want...

If you have got this far then thanks for reading.. just wanted to get it off my chest. xx
Do you think maybe he has someone else waiting, and he wants to check with you so you can't get angry/upset about it?
Was a bit of a short stick around while in the bath though. Not enough for a baby to know his dad.
He's just being a bit of a prick!
:hug: :hug: :hug:
Maybe :think: we have had this conversation and he told me he would tell me and i do believe him. :think: I feel the need to ring him to tell him about the routine i want starting asap but i'd just be reacting to what he's said today. Will wait till i see him next... let's see how long it takes him to come round! he is a prick. lol. Thanks for your reply :hug:
Yeah, don't respond til he gets back in touch.
Well if you ever need a chat, pm me. :hug:

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