

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2006
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Hi All,

Just a quick update. I've been avoiding logging on all christmas. I wanted to avoid living in the real world :D

Well over christmas my belly has somewhat expanded. No hope of wearing normal clothes ever again, lol! I have a little baby bump surrounded by a few too many cheesburgers :rotfl:

But i managed to get a few maternity bits in the sales whihc is good. Along with the cutest pair of bootees, a pregnancy fitness dvd and a pram / puschair!

As it is one of the most expensive items DP and i couldn't resist getting the MAMAS and PAPAS pilko pramette + car seat for only £240 instead of the usual £500 or so. We were very happy and spent a good few hours trying to figure it all out!!

Also over christmas DP told his parents!! Which we thought they would go mad as he is 19 and i am 24 and we don't 'yet' live together. But after a few days and when he explained that we will be living with my mum (which i would be anyway to help her look after my dad who has MS) they were actually quite excited. And have even bought us a cot!!

Finally i got my triple blood test results this morning. Whihc were all low risk. The risk of downs for my age was about 1300 i think and the test showed 1 in 1500, so that was good. As even though i am young i still worried.

So all in all an ok, if somewhat sober and boring, christmas!

I hope everyone else is ok :hug:

Love Laura and the expanding peanut (who's sex we will find out in 2 weeks!!!)

:wave: Hi hun, nice to have you back!!!

Hope you had a great Christmas and New Year (well, as good as it can be while we're pregnant!) Get some tummy pics posted! And pics of the new pram! (Yes Im nosey lol)

Are you excited about finding out the sex? What do you want it to be? :)
Hi Laura :wave:

Glad you Triple test came back ok, i never bothered having one :D

Yeh show us your pram.

What dates your scan?

I don't mind as long as he / she is heathly. Dp comes from a mostly male family and i'm from a mostly female one, so it will be interesting. It'll be nice to be able to narrow down names :D

I will try take some tummy pics soon, DP got me a new dig camera for xmas woo hoo!

I'll post a link to the pram, it took us ages to get it back in the box, you need an engineering degree to put it together :rotfl:

http://www.mamasandpapas.co.uk/product_ ... 865&type=I

http://www.mamasandpapas.co.uk/product_ ... 865&type=I

There is the stuff we got both for £240, i know its early but what a bargain!!

Hope you had a good pregnant xmas and new year, :rotfl:

Hiya!! :wave: Jennywren has that pram as well!! It is really nice!!!
you got the same deal as Jennywren, I have the pliko in polka :D

Bit like a tongue twister isn't it!
hi i pm you,, before i saw this :D

how are you feeling?? felt any kick :lol:

Good to have you back!

Well done on getting the pram bargain!
good to see you ...love the pram what a bargain

Welcome back, glad telling Ohs parents went well after all!!
Thanks guys!

Only another 10 million things to buy for June :rotfl:

Aww glad you had a nice xmas. Your pram is so cute. There is so much to buy isnt there.

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