update on landlord situation


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2007
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Hi Peeps

well thanks so much for the support over the last week and weekend where I got mega stressed out. Hubby phoned coucil this morning to find out what was going on and woohoo the reprocession is still going ahead and the council are housing us on friday. I so cannot wait until friday and am going to try and be busy all week so it doesnt drag too much but it probably still will. My health visitor came out this morning and she is going to chase up social services to see what they plan to do regarding baby, like I said to her I just need to know, they're not going to remove the baby or anything drastic like that just do a pre-birth assessment possibly to find out what support they think I may need but I need to know if they're going to or not but health visitor said they might not because of the fact Joanna is back with us. So the stress has currently been removed re social and housing, just hope nothing happens between now and then to stop the housing housing us. Hopefully I can now start enjoying my pregnancy
im still waiting to hear from the rent officers to weather i can move into my house or not.

wow your so lucky things are getting sorted so quick!

i really am glad for you, you will be settled in no time! great news hun! :dance:
:shock: :dance: :clap: Wow! Are they actually housing you on friday as in your moving in? Thats brilliant.
I'm pleased to hear this hun, it'll all start getting better from here. :hug:
That's fantastic news Bomanzoo, you really deserve a break.

Hope the move goes smoothly and all the best with the assessment.

All the best, :hug:
Thanx everybody, they're only moving us so soon because landlord is having the house reprocessed on monday at about 10am otherwise they wouldnt. I'm just so glad it's nearly over. They will give us property details and keys on friday and we will be moving on the friday as can't wait to get away from this lowsy landlord. I'm sure things will go fine with the assessment if they bother to do it. Minky will keep everyone up to date while i'm offline i'm sure as she's my text buddy.
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: So pleased to hear that things are looking up for you. :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

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