Update on Hospital visit..........(Plus what team we are on)


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2007
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Hi girls

Well yesterday was officially the longest day in history.

We went to hospital to see specialist regarding my results from Triple Bloods.

Midwife came in first to explain the results and why i had been put in high risk catergory. She said that they would take me in for a scan and have a good look at my baby, take lots of measurements, check heart, brain, nasal bone, everything really.

The scan was so indepth and thorough and LO had grown so much again and was bouncing around. Sonographer also said i think your baby has hiccups :lol:

Was very scary at times as some part of it she was very silent and i kept thinking oh no what has she found.

Anyway, although a scan is in no way conclusive to baby not having d/s she said our baby was showing no obvious signs, was growing at normal rate, head & brain looked fine and heart showing no signs of abnormality.

Cried with relief as the weight of it all had been building for 4 days.

Towards the end she said i dont know if you were considering finding out the sex of your baby but i know just in case you wanted to know.

I looked at OH and we were both really teary and after being so worried about my baby i felt a really strong need to know. OH squeezed my hand and said yeah lets find out.

So after being so determind to stay Team Green (Lasted 16 weeks lol) we are having a.............................................

Baby Boy :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
aww i am so happy for you, you just made me cry though reading this. Very teary at the mo lol bloody hormones. glad everything seems fine are they doing any more checks?

em xx
Yay congratulations :cheer: on your baby boy and great scan results must be a huge relief after all that worry! :hug:
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

congrats on team blue!!

thats good news from the scan hun, thats the exact result i got when i went for my early detailed scan! its fantastic everything is looking 'normal' and growing as it should be!

:hug: :hug: :hug:
Aww thats great!! Glad everything was ok and Congratulations on your Team Blue!! :cheer: x
i really am so pleased for you, i know how worried i was when i had my oscar scan for downs and as you said was so relieved i cant tell you.
Congratulations on little boy :hug:
Am so happy that your scan showed good news - i'm sure it is a huge weight off your mind
and congrats on your baby BOY!!!!
Awwww, yaaaay, congratulations, welcome to TEAM BLUE !!! I'm so happy for you, glad everything is well with you and the little man! xxx
Aw and so happy for you both and yur baby boy what a relief hun !!!
congratulations! im really glad someone has managed to put your mind at ease :) :clap:
Oh hun, such a relief for you!!!

Congratulations for Team BLUE!!! :cheer:
Thank you everyone for your messages and your support on my previous post :hug:

I am so happy today. :cheer:

Told our parents we know the sex but neither of them want to know yet (they want a surprise) so thats gonna be difficult keeping from them over next 5 months :lol: :?

I have some more scan pics to post, will prob get them on tomorrow.

Oh p.s - Emmie - we were just told to attend our 20 week scan as normal so no other checks to be made in the meantime.

Speak soon xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Awww yay Im so glad everything is ok with babs and your having a boy!! :D:D:D
Congratulations hun. I am so pleased that all seem sok and that you are having a little boy :D

Really please all is well, congrats on being as nosey as me and getting a team blue result :D
Congratulations and welcome to team blue :cheer:

Glad bubs is doing ok :)
I'm so pleased that everything is ok for you :hug: :hug:
and Congrats on team BLUE!!! :cheer:

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