**update on charlotteheys85**


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2007
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Well she rang me on way to the EPU and she just rang me now to tell me that they gave her a scan and **EVERYTHING IS FINE** like i said it would be hehe :moon:

And the woman told her to stop poas!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

She said she saw his little heart beating away!!! :cheer: :cheer:

Here is the little bean!!


So happy everything is ok :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :hug: :hug:
thanks goodness for that.......

I hope she'll take everyone's advice and stop POS's and relax and enjoy her pg.
i promise to stop POAS lol...

So happy everythings ok...

:cheer: :cheer:

Thanks for posting hay.. thanks everyone for putting up with my moaning xxx
i promise to stay away from the stick from now on,

midwife said its pointless after you've got your BFP, because your body will say if theres something wrong..

So for all you girlies like me.. STOP IT hehe.. because its a pointless worry...

and once you see that lil heartbeat, it becomes soo real!

:) xxx :cheer: :hug: :hug:
Fantastic news!!! I am delighted for you Charlotte. xx :hug:
awww yay congratulations charlotte - so glad everything is ok :D loadsa love Sarah xxxxx
Ah my heart lurched when i saw this post.

So glad everything is ok, i've not been on all day so hadn't seen your earlier post.

How fab to see your lil bean on a scan piccy.

Time to relax now as everything is gonna be ok.

:hug: :hug:
That's great and what a wicked scan pic :)
thanks for replys girlies..

OH is so cute..

I told him about tummy ache, and he covered his mouth and whispered somethin to my tummy.. i said what did u say.. he said, its between me and baby..

Anyway today i went to EPU.. and i let him know everythin was fine..
He said i knew it would be.. last night me and baby made a deal!! lol

Wish he could predict everything for me.. haha :rotfl:

Why do men react soooo differently when theres a baby involved hehe...
I think its so cute..

Anyway.. Thanks for support girls, and i swear i will NOT POAS again.. (i hope not anyway lol) x :oops: :oops:
Great news!!!!!
Thanx for all the positive feedback. ... ok i did start to cry.. yep very emotional. But i am very happy that you and the baby is ok. it is funny how our husbands start acting differently when there is a baby in the tummy.. it is very cute. Wishing you both, the very best!

kisses and hugs

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