Type 1 Diabetic about to take progesterone


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2014
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Following two miscarriages I am pregnant again and have been prescribed progesterone. Does anyone have any experience of how it affects blood sugars? Obviously don't want to be going high. Advice please?????
Hey Serenede, that's so funny, I replied to your progesterone thread on the other board then just saw this!
I am also type 1 diabetic (for the last 4 years!) the progesterone seems to have had absolutely no effect whatsoever on my blood sugars! I really expected a rough ride! My prev 2 pregnancies (without progesterone) I had some horrible hypos but I can Mainly attribute them to over aggressive use of insulin...I was basically so so scared of high blood sugars effecting the baby.
However my HBA1c actually dropped to 5.3 and the hospital said I was having too many hypos etc and that they were also damaging for a baby as releases stress hormone cortisol!

So anyway the point I'm getting to..... This time I am testing more and will test a few times through the night If iv eaten carbs at dinner time but otherwise my insulin regime is the same and no changes to my sugars!
I'm 7+ 5 now and have been on progesterone since my BFP at ap14DPO

Would love to know how pregnancy has effected your sugars etc
Stay in touch
Hi! Great to hear from you.

The progesterone has also had no effect on my blood sugars either. I was like you in my last three pregnancies (1 DD and two miscarriages) overdoing the insulin. I have been type 1 for 24 years. This time round I have things under better control, I'm eating less carbs so not having spikes and then hypos a couple of hours after. I am on a pump and have had to put my basal up quite a bit and also having to bolus more at lunchtime. What was your reason for taking progesterone? I'm currently 5+4 and so worried I don't have enough symptoms. With my DD I had HG from 6 weeks through to the day I gave birth. It sounds silly but I would give anything to feel like that again at least it would give me some hope all is ok. How are you feeling? Are you having an early scan? X
Just re read your other post and see you have had two miscarriages. So sorry for you, it's heartbreaking. Is everything progressing ok this time? You said your little one has a slow HB?
Hey Serenede,
I had to increase my bolus last 2 pregnancies (which the hospital found strange as said before 12 weeks insulin need should reduce!) but this one iv really not had to change anything! This lack of problems with my sugars, although nice has added to my lack of feeling pregnant! The only symptoms I have now are slightly sore boobs and being hungry. I pee loads anyway through the night but maybe this has also increased!
I went for my first scan at 7+ 3 due to the prev miscarriages and the heartbeat was only 80 bpm which was really really slow for 7+3........ However iv been again this morning and am over the moon to say that bean has grown to 19mm and heart rate has picked up to 130 ish! Soooo relieved! Not out of the woods yet though as got to 10.5 weeks last time, it turns out the baby had turners syndrome. We don't know the reason for the first miscarriage but it was earlier at 5 -6 weeks.
Did you find out why you miscarried? I can't believe you had HG all that time, it must be bad enough for anyone but don't know how the hell You managed that with diabetes! Well done you!
When will you have a scan?
Take care and please don't worry about the lack of symptoms, it's so hard not to analyse but I'm coming to the conclusion that it really isn't an indicator of how the pregnancy is going!
Wow I'm so happy for you. Some of the early scans are more worry than reassurance! In all my pregnancies I have had to increase my insulin early on and have heard lots of diabetics say the same but also some that have had to reduce so I think it's an individual thing. My diabetes team said once the placenta takes over around 7-9 weeks that's when insulin levels tend to drop.

I have very tender boobs and some nausea in the mornings I think I'm feeling more tired too. My first missed miscarriage happened when I started bleeding at 9 weeks and the baby stopped growing at 6-7. Second one I started bleeding at 10 weeks and baby stopped growing at 8+3. I had had a scan at 7+3 which showed all was well and saw heartbeat so really thought I was out of the woods. Haven't been able to have any investigations as only had two but paid to see a gynaecologist who thinks it's just bad luck as I have my DD but he suggested the progesterone and asprin.

The HG was hideous and had to stay in hospital as I had ketones which obviously aren't good. Kept my HBA1c at 5.3-5.6 the whole time though and I'd do it all again in a heartbeat.

Have you told anyone yet? We haven't and it's so hard when you have no one to talk to. So glad I found this forum! Hoping to have a scan as close to 9 weeks as I can as that gets me passed my danger time and I don think I would be reassured if I have one earlier. Of course I might change my mind, particularly if the symptoms don't get worse.

Where do you live? X
Hey Serenede,
Can't believe you kept your Hba1C so low with HG , that really is some achievement! Ooh iv never had ketones but I know it's not good!
Can understand your worried, until you get passed that 'Danger point' in your head (ie the point you miscarried the last time!) it is nerve racking. Iv never bled with either miscarriage, had 'missed miscarriages' both times and like you had though everything was fine the second time after seeing a heartbeat! ... Although there were some abnormalities on the scan which the doctor didn't admit to but we could tell she wasn't very confident as was also scanning me every 10-14 days!
My hubby and I are English but live in Switzerland (for last 3 years) it's all private medical care here, which sounds great but actually we have had loads of problems/hiccups with care over our last 2 miscarriages. Although they speak English there is often still a slight language/cultural barrier and my German is never going to be good enough to speak about medical stuff!
Are you in England? Will they not give you an early reassurance scan? Or I think I have read about 'scan centres' offering them for around £60 if you find yourself worrying like crazy...,however i know we have to learn to relax because the sooner you have one scan then the longer it is until the next one!!
It must be hard not having anyone to talk to about the pregnancy? Would you consider telling a close friend or family member. We have been totally different, parents, siblings and very close friends know already! We basically found them such a great support to us over the miscarriages so that we wanted to tell them early. Obviously I wouldnt announce to general friends/ public for ages yet! Everyone is different though and you obviously must do whatever you feel comfortable with.....and this forum and I am always here to chat! I'm on baby and bump as well which has a busier forum!
Your symptoms sound pretty good to me...if your nauseaus in the mornings etc! Iv had no nausea whatsoever!!! But don't worry if these fluctuate anyway as it doesn't mean anything bad. Have a great weekend and I hope you manage to relax as best you can
Love L x
Thanks Laurans, so great to have some reassurance! We live in a Berkshire and yes they have said i can have an early scan just down to me when I want yo book it! With our DD we didn't tell anyone until 10 weeks but with both miscarriages we told our parents very early on. Part of me feels like I should do the same and not tell again as not to jinx it! Also my mum has breast cancer and is currently ogling through chemo, she has been such an amazing support to me but I don't want to out her under anymore stress and worry. Just hoping I can give her some positive news in a few weeks time, this year has been so tough for us all.

Would love to keep in touch with you. Have a great weekend too and look after yourself Xx
Hi Ladies
I am now 29 weeks and I used progesterone during my IVF with no problems to my blood sugars, Please keep us updated on how you get on.
I used it until I was 15 weeks.
Good luck and all the best x
Thanks toffee girl, glad all is going well for you. Nice to hear a positive story!x
Hey Serenede, how are you doing? How are your symptoms going? So sorry to hear about your mum, must have been so tough! I can understand you not wanting to stress your mum out! I hope in a few weeks you can tell her your great news and I'm sure it will be a great pick me up!
Have you decided when to book your scan yet?
Iv been getting terrible back/pelvis/buttock ache and still dog tired! Actually been very busy with work and a friends hen party so I haven't even had time to worry or stress too much!
My scan is sept 29 th....it feels sooooo long since my last one! In some ways I feel like iv been pregnant forever and time has slowed right down!

Sending hugs and hoping you are feeling well! Xx

Lovely to hear from you! Well I shouldn't have said anything about lack of symptoms, I'm Sooooo tired and the last few days have been feeling very sick although not being sick.....yet! I have no energy to do anything and struggling to find anything I fancy to eat etc carbs, not helpful! I am also getting the pelvis ache, feels odd.

I needed up telling my Mum I just couldn't keep it from her any longer and she was so excited. Think it will give her something to focus on too. My scan is next Thurs 25th, so nervous already. Then have the midwife on the 29th. How many weeks are you now? I've been told to stop the progesterone at 14 weeks, how about you?

Hi Serenede, ah I bet your mum was so so chuffed! I think my mum dreams of babies at the moment although she is very good in appreciating it's still early and not to go on about it!
Happy that you have some symptoms Hun but sorry the sickness has got you! I'm still eating like a horse! Eating so many more carbs than normal.
Mm so must admit I don't test my sugars until 2 hours after my meal as my insulin (nova rapid) takes 1hr20-30 to work on me! What worries me is that within that 2 hours I am having spikes in sugars......how are you testing yours? Are you giving ur bolus long before you eat!
Last pregnancy I had some terrible hypos as I was being too aggressive and injecting upto 40 mins before eating ...I have just been injecting as I sit done to eat this time!! Do you think that's ok! The university hospital here said to me not to worry about sugar spikes immediately after a meal as they said even non diabetics have short periods of high sugars before insulin kicks in! I think they have very different attitude to the doctors in England!
Because my HbA1c is 5.6 (if I remember correctly) they don't even class me as high risk and if this pregnancy works out I won't even give birth somewhere with a neonatal unit! It does worry me how relaxed they are about diabetes here!
How do you feel about it all?
Sorry for the essay, just realised I'm actually bit worried about my diabetes effect on the pregnancy!
No one has mentioned about the progesterone stoppage yet! I have an appt 29th sept (same as ur midwife appt) which will be my 12 week scan with nuchal test etc. I guess he will tell me then but I will be nervous about it and plan to stop it gradually no matter what he says! Did they recommend gradual stop to you??
Take care Hun xx

Yes my mum is the same! It's really difficult not eating the carbs isn't it. I don't actually fancy much but if I do it's always carbs! I have to admit I am testing constantly. During the last two pregnancies I really over did the insulin and had lots of hypos so trying to hold back a bit. I usually have my insulin (humalog) about 20-30mins before eating depending what level I'm at. I am also not eating many carbs so don't get those spikes after eating. I'm usually back down around 6-7 an hour after eating but sometimes I find after 2 hours I have to have a snack to avoid going low. Wow can't believe they class you as low risk, does that mean you won't be induced either? My HBA1c was in the 5's with my DD and I was still monitored carefully and induced. I guess each hospital has a diff policy.

It is all quite scary but all we can do is our best and try and keep levels as near to normal as possible. I've done it once so it can be done!

I was told to keep going until 12/14 weeks with the progesterone but know one said how to stop! It's a worry isn't it?

Hope your next scan goes well.

Look after yourself x
Hi Ladies
I hope you don't mind me coming in, but I was also one progesterone and I just stopped taking it as when you get passed 12/14 weeks the body takes over so the tablets are pointless.
I have to say my blood sugars have been the best they have ever been during this pregnancy, I just hope they stay that way as like yourselves I am craving carbs like mad think it is baby growing.
All the best x
Hey Toffeegirl, glad that your sugars are behaving! Can I ask did you stop your progesterone straight away or wean off gradually? Hiw many weeks are you now and did you get this 'insulin resistance' that they warn me of at 12 weeks ish??
I'm eating all these carbs (and putting on weight, not loads but just a few pounds) but keep saying to myself that when the insulin resistance hits I will have to cut back and so will prob lose weight! Lol:smile:

Serenede, how's the sickness, I hope it's not too bad! :sick: yeah my doc just keeps saying I'm not considered high risk and when I tried to ask him about vaginal vs c sec he kind of brushed it off as too early to talk about! He did sort of say, whatever you want , your choice! Lol not really that helpful! I guess in essence I would have to wait and see how big the baby gets anyway! How much did your first baby weigh?

Gosh ladies hope it's not TMI but my boobs are sooooo sore right now and my back is killing! Started getting some weird sensations down my leg too so wondering if sciatica although thought that came later! Will have to pop to doctors Monday if carries on this weekend!
Have a great weekend both!
Love L x:wave:
Hi Laurans. The sickness seems to have stepped up a level. Feel sick all day but not actually being sick although think it would help if I was!

My DD weighed 7lb 8oz. I was never given the option of a C-sec. They estimated her weight to be 6lb, well they got that wrong!

How are you feeling? How far along are you now? X

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