Tww blues :(


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2014
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Feeling rubbish again today ladies :(

Today I'm 4dp5dt (basically 9dpo), official test day given by my clinic is the 12th, so still a while to go

Had a rubbish day yesterday and feeling the same today..
Tww doesn't usually make me feel THIS low!!!

I'm not feeling low because I don't think it hasn't worked.. I'm not sure either way really at this point as it could be too early. I've had some positive signs but then it could just be the extra progesterone. It's all wait and see ugh.

I thought I was low because of feeling lonely.. but hubby is home today and I'm still feeling super low.

And Ive been so caught up in this cycle that I completely spaced and haven't even gotten hubby a card/present for our wedding anniversary on Sunday. :( of course the best present would be a bfp.. but don't want to test early in case of a bfn and it ruins the day

I have a massive to do list that was meant to keep me busy during this tww but I just feel like crap and want to sit around in PJs all day :(

Ugh stuck in a mood.. not sure how to drag myself out of it :(
Hey sorry to hear you are feeling low but seriously I am feeling rubbish myself. My AF is due tomorrow and I called in sick. I did a test it’s bfn of course so I am also feeling really low. I hope we can pick ourselves again and carry on. Do you think you are feeling low because you might not have gotten pregnant this month?
Sorry :(
It's so bloody hard!!!
You're not out til the witch is here though xx

I really have no idea either way right now, sucks waiting :(
I had a frozen embryo transfer this cycle so I'm on Estrogen tablets, progesterone pessaries and progesterone injections, so it's a load of extra hormones, which I guess won't help my moods.. (pregnant or not) :(
Sorry to hear you are both feeling low. Maximus youre not out till the :witch: shows. Millie, your low mood could be early signs. Do you feel low pre af? X
According to hubby, I'm usually fine until af actually hits!!
Oooo i really hope this a good sign millie. Fingers crossed xx
I hope so!
I've been a little tempted to do a crappy cheapie today but what's the point this early, and do I really need to feel anymore down if it's a bfn

Does anyone ever do anything for their wedding anniversary? It's our first one this Sunday.. soooo we're new to this lol.
Hubby agreed that it has just crept up on us fast and we've been kinda preoccupied with this cycle to plan or organise anything for the day. Neither of us have got any present or card (do people do this? Lol), unless hubby is keeping some big secret?

My parents go on holiday every year for theirs and well our anniversary is probably gonna be crap :(
We forget our anniversary every year. Will have been married 17 years this july!! We did remember our 10th as we flew out to france that day. We always remember a few days after and the go out for dinner with the kids! Maybe forgetting all these years has been the recipe for a long marriage haha!

Try and resist doing an IC as it is too early so youll get a false negative and feel crap! Hold off millie....just for a few more days hun....the tww sucks! Xx
Sorry to hear you’re down ladies. Hope this is a good sign for you Millie. I think you should def treat yourselves to an anniversary date night. You deserve it. Xx
Ahhhhhh, I do desperately want to go out for the night but feel like my life is under control with all the medication :(

I have to pop in a progesterone pessary at 10am, then throughout the day I have to take 4 estrogen pills, all at different times. I guess they're fine to take out with me though. Then at 6.30pm I have to have a progesterone injection.. not something I can take out with me. Then at 10pm I have to pop in a progesterone pessary.

So not easy.. I guess we could do something during the day.. hope hubby has thought of something lol
We just went out for dinner then came home and watched Netflix for our first anniversary, nothing spectacular! You don't need to have some big spectacle, just enjoy some time together. We're doing the traditional anniversary gifts, so the 1st is paper lol. I got him a comic (he's a massive nerd heh), he got me some tickets to a musical.
For our first anniversary we went to Costco, haha! Then out to Indian food for dinner and took a walk. It is a perfect memory.

Millie, I really, really hope this is leading up to your bfp and take-home baby.
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Sending you hugs Millie. Hope your doing well ! Been thinking of you this week!
I'm feeling so so..

I was dumb and tested with a cheapie today because I was sooooo desperate to present hubby with a bfp tomorrow but of course it was bfn

I'd like to think it is too early or because it wasn't fmu.. but my pee couldn't have been any darker and technically I would be 10dpo so surely there would be something super super faint if it was gonna be a bfp this cycle?

I don't know. Today I'm just feeling like I'm not pregnant after all the crap I've had to go through and I don't even care anymore because I'm just used to bfn after bfn every cycle so it's no different to normal really.

I'm gonna die of shock if I get a bfp on official test day but I don't think this it is
Millie I never got a bfp before 14-15 dpo, and those were very very faint. I’m so sorry for the bfn. I do believe that it’s just too early. Sending you my best thoughts!
Yes I just have to wait and see.. it sucks because even if I test anymore and get bfn on what's technically 14dpo I will have to keep taking all this crappy medication till official test day. :(

My cat is sick again today too. It's been a great day..

and i feel sick: I'm not sure if it's progesterone or constantly clearing up cat sick
and the smell lingers ughhh
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Ah I hope you get your bfp. I agree 10dpo could be too early. When I got my bfp it was very faint at 11dpo. So hopefully you will get your bfp.
Sending lots of good wishes your way Millie. It must be so hard when you don't know what's a symptom and what's a side effect. I'm sorry you're feeling so low. Life really is unfair. It's hard to shake the feeling when you've had so many months of disappointment. Try and focus on quality time with hubby tomorrow if you can. We don't make a big thing of anniversaries either. Usually just a card and a meal if that.

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