
Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2006
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What type of TV is better in your opionion, I want to get a new 42inch TV when we move, and have heard a lot of conflictin advice in whats best. if HD ready is wprth the exrta, and some ig screens are poorer quality pics, and action scenes dont move well on them, some relect sun badly, some goast images on them etc etc, what do you have or wat do you recomend please.
We've got a 42 inch plasma. We've had it about 18 months, so before HD came out really. It's good and I'm used to it now, but when we first got it, I thought the picture was crap. The picture on the LCD seems a lot clearer. We don't get ghost images, but some action scenes are hard to follow if there is a lot of fast movement in them.

I haven't voted because I do actually like my plasma, but I now wish I had got a LCD. And if you can afford the little bit extra, you might as well go for HD as well.
Forgot to say - the plasma throws out a heck of a lot of heat. We only have a small living room at the minute and it's like having a radiator on at night!
My mum and dad have a HUUUUUUUGE plasma and its lovely, they've not had a problem with the pictures moving too fast I don't think? :think:
LCD HD would be the best one. Plasma can be a bit dodgy on picture. If you've got the money I'd go for an LCD one. My dh goes on about it all the time that's how I know it's the better one :lol:
I wouldn't normally have a clue about this, but DH has just ordered a tv to go on the wall in our conservatory and it was delivered today so I have read what it says on the box, 'wide LCD TV' he spent ages researching on the net too so I would go for one of those :D

god ive no idea :think:

onewith a remote control is deffo a must though
we have a plasma .. panasonic viera

I love it think the quality is great...but remember Jan sales you could prob get a HD ready on sale then :D
Oh good point about Jan sales!
May as well hang on that bit longer on buying and get a bargin.
yep knowing Alan he will go out and come back with a HD ready in the Jan sales :roll: :wink:
We were advised not to go for a plasma as the energy eficiency of them is terrible, and they use more power. We have a big samsung rear projection HD ready one downstairs which has a great pic but OH bought an LCD HD ready screen for his xbox ( :roll: ) upstairs and as much as it pains me to say it, the picture is fantastic so I would vote that one :D

I agree about the remote. I remember when I was little and before remotes were not something we had my dad used me as his remote and made me change the channel. I loved doing it though as it was a chance to mess around with the telly :D
beanie said:
I agree about the remote. I remember when I was little and before remotes were not something we had my dad used me as his remote and made me change the channel. I loved doing it though as it was a chance to mess around with the telly :D

i know! And cassie laughed at me beanie :angel:
budge said:
beanie said:
I agree about the remote. I remember when I was little and before remotes were not something we had my dad used me as his remote and made me change the channel. I loved doing it though as it was a chance to mess around with the telly :D

i know! And cassie laughed at me beanie :angel:

she's probably thinking "tv's without remotes - surely not" :wink:
our first remote was plugged in to the telly!!!
hels said:
our first remote was plugged in to the telly!!!

haha, I can remember the day when my grandparents got a colour tv. Bloody hell, am feeling too old now

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