Trick or Treat - whats your opinion?


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2005
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What do you think of trick or treat.

i was never allowed to go trick or treating as a kid neither was my hubby.
So i doubt that we will allow any of our kids to do the same.

I see it as a begging and harasment, unless done at known houses and friends supervised by an adult.

I've had teenagers knocking at my door already saying trick or treat and i've told them to come back on the correct day.
I wasn't alowed to do it either

I do let Emily but she is with one of us and we just tend to go to Grandparents houses and friends

I get really annoyed at the teenagers doing it as you know they just want cash

well they can carry on wanting if they come to my house :twisted:
Same as you hun, was never allowed to go, mom told me it was begging and scared the old folk to have people banging their doors all night. My mom and MIL hate it when people come round unless its friends kids who call her in the day first and say "do you mind if I bring them round?"

MIL lives on her own, and is scared to ignore the door or not give them anything in case she gets something nasty through her door - its a shame cos she has teenagers doing it not just the little ones that live in the street.
I was never allowed but now I believe it is just people/kids begging!
I HATE it. I'm probably a bit of a grouchy old miser, but we always make sure we're not home (or make it look as though we're not home). I wouldn't mind if it was kids we knew, who dressed up and we're polite. Round here, we just get a load of teenagers / unsupervised kids, not even dressed up, demanding they want money not sweets, or complaining what we give them isn't enough. Ungrateful little $^&&%s.
I don't mind the local little ones knocking around tea time, but do hate the older kids who turn up at 9pm in a mask with their hand out! :x

I just ignore the door.
I think the emphasis has definitely changed over the years. When we were kids we used to dress up and only knock on neighbours doors who knew us (we were probably out with their kids anyway!). It was always for sweets (ha'penny chews. Yeah I know, I'm ancient!), never ever for money.

If someone said trick. Wow! The only trick we had was to ring their doorbell and run away! :lol:

It's just got too Americanised now and it's spoilt the fun. I hate that they want money and I hate that they can buy costumes to dress up. It's not as much fun as making your own witches hat or wearing an old bed sheet.

I'm just an old traditional fart! :rotfl: And as for Mischievous Night.... don't get me started :evil:
I'm the same, i was never allowed to do it as my parents saw it as a form of begging.
There aren't many small kids in my area just teenagers so DH and i always pretend we are out when they come trick or treating!
Helen, where do you live?

We don't do that night before stuff here in Brum but when I lived in Liverpool my house got egged every 30th October! Any excuse, little hooligans! :evil:
i was never allowed to trick or treat wen i was younger however did go to halloween partys at like work (mum has worked there 18 yrs) or mum made me and my sis little halloween outfits like put a bin bag over up and with a witches hat and we were witches :D

and wen ever trick or treaters come i stit in the lounge with the lites n telly of scared stiff :oops:
B wont be trick or treating at i dont like the idea of it personnally he will be allowed to do the same as i did
Helen, where do you live?


I think Mischievous Night could be a regional thing. We definitely didn't have it when I lived down south.
We have mischief night on 4th November. Normally we take the washing line down and put EVERYTHING out of sight. This year, I'm standing on guard with my pressure washer :twisted: :rotfl: BRING IT ON!!!!!
I refuse to answer the door now. All the time it's just teenagers wanting money so we turn the lights off and stay in the dining room. It's awful to think it has come to that now because it has spoilt it for little kids! We were allowed when we were younger but only people we knew and they would expect us. I think it's horrible for older people because they are petrified if they're on their own and some kids can be bloody horrible and throw eggs at their house etc.
I dont mind buying the costume etc but theres noway id alow Zack to go trick or treating. I was never aloud to go, could never see why until I had a child of my own.

I have nothing against Halloween. What I would be worried about is the amount of pedos and crime about nowdays.

We'll be locking our windows and doors on Halloween... wont be answering the door to trick or treaters :shakehead:
last yr my dad was hilarious Braydon was 1 month old and everytime we had a trick or treatre (4 times) hed get B awnser the door and say trick r treat before the teen could and then would eww his done a poo its ur treat to change him haha
wot is that machievious nite?

D'ya know what? I'm not even sure how to describe it. When I was a kid, it consisted of purely the trick part of trick or treat. Which at the time was ringing on doorbells and running away. I'm pretty sure I wasn't allowed to participate in Mischievous Night anyway.

These days it's far, far worse. Frankly, it's an excuse for vandalism. They chuck eggs or flour and water, silly string everywhere, let off fireworks in the street. It's all pointless stuff that scares and upsets people. I'm not even sure if there's a purpose to it. At least Halloween and Bonfire Night actually do commemorate something.
Helen said:
These days it's far, far worse. Frankly, it's an excuse for vandalism. They chuck eggs or flour and water, silly string everywhere, let off fireworks in the street. It's all pointless stuff that scares and upsets people. I'm not even sure if there's a purpose to it. At least Halloween and Bonfire Night actually do commemorate something.

:shock: :shock: ...where can you buy door and bar windows at short notice? lol
Mischief night is the night before bonfire night. We used to get up to all sorts - just been discussing it with Dan

- put dog poo in a paper bag, set it on fire, put on the doorstep, knock and tun (person stamps on the bag to put the fire out)
- cutting washing lines
- unscrewing door numbers and swapping them between houses
- let car tyres down
- take wiper blades out of windcreen wipers
- butter on milk bottles
- we had roadworks on the street one year, and moved all the signs / cones about 50 yards down the road

It used to be great fun, we never did any proper damage. These days though, they don't just let the air out of the tyres, they take a kitchen knife to them
Every year our old ouse got egged windows. We were the corner house on a dead end with a foot path next to us so we were always targeted.

We never went trick or treating, but one year we had a halloween party, everyone got dressed up and we ate horrible food like eyeballs in blood and dead mans fingers etc that was really good fun.

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