Tribal wife programme :(


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2008
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Did anyone watch that tribe thing on last night? I found it quite disturbing :shock:

This lady from scotland went to stay with a tribe for a month to see what its like to be a tribal wife and my goodness, those poor women.

The husbands can beat their wives if they have no food ready when they get back or a goat escapes. Men & women don't eat together because its disgraceful so the women serve the men first, then they eat.

The women work REALLY hard during the day, the men hunt and have a nap in the shade.

When a baby girl is born, they cut bits off of down there and sow them up to keep them virgins. When they grow up & give birth, they almost die because of it.

And, husbands sleep separately with their wives. She sleeps with the children & when he wants sex, he calls her over and do it and they never kiss or anything.

Its an absolutely AWFUL life to have, I wish I could help them :cry:
i wanted to watch this, it does sound an odd way to live your life. :?
I watched it to, It sounds awful but its what they are used to, they dont know any differant.
Well apart from what the scottish lass told them and they looked quite embarressed by it when she was explaining.
oh yeah I love this programme.. I agree the tribes culture was a bit whack last night but the last 2 weeks they've had the lovliest tribes on there with lovely ways of living :)
But those women admitted they were not happy with that lifestyle regardless of it just being their normal way of life.

Last weeks tribe were lovely :D
I read a book on these kind of tribes and female circumcision and watched a lot of programmes on it for my course last year, i found it fascinating...

Yes there are some horrific practices still going on (i did an assignment on femal circumcision and the thought now makes me feel sick) but there are different types of it, some not so brutal. The male initiation practices are also usually pretty bad and women and attitudes on periods is very out dated.

However a lot of tribes are happy the way they are, i certainly dont think we should be going in educating them, if you watch the programmes you'll see exactly what this does to their society, we can try and discourage againt certain practices but unfortunately most people who go in end up impossing their lifestyle on those people as if we are right and they are wrong. These people arnt stupid, they're amazingly resourceful, if you dumped me in the forest i wouldnt be able to survive yet they make the most of nature and generally dont destroy the environment.

We need to look at both views, not just the unethical practices, we cant expect to just walk in and change them.
I know what your saying abcd, but knowing that one lady said "im glad your here to see how hard my life is" just made me feel sorry for her.

In many many ways they are better off than us.. but they basically treat women like scum and although I don't live there, I feel it for women in general.

I read on the channel 4 website that they are going to be bringing tribe members over to the uk to see how they get on and report on our lifestyle! That should be very interesting. We can see it next year :cheer:

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