Toddler + Thrush??


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2007
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Hi :wave:

Just realised this is the first time I have posted in the babies section - how disgraceful is that? :shakehead:

Anyhoo - I have a 21 month old monster - I mean daughter and just recently when changing her nappy I have noticed a strong 'fishy' smell.
We are beginning to toilet train her, but she's nowhere near ready so it's nappies for the forseeable future. It's the first time i've noticed this smell - we haven't changed her body wash,or her nappies or her baby wipes so I can't think of anything obvious.

Can toddlerse get thrush?? God I sound thick - I just feel awful that my baby girl might be in some discomfort :( She doesn't seem to want to scratch it or anything and it still her happy, pain in the bum self, but the smell is quite strong. :? :?

Poor thing - obviously I will see our HV about it, but wondered if anyone on here had experienced it with their LO's?
My babys had thrush recently hun and its horrible, its bright red, weepy at times and can go like a spotty rash. Youl know its thrush cos normal nappy creams wont make it go or clm it, take her to the ocs hun. Its not nice ad when you have the cream it clears up quick :D
Tia gets thrush and has done since a baby... apparently its down to poor cleaning... or in the case of LOs being in nappies... Thrush is aided by warm moist environments such as a wet nappy and because they poo in their nappy they can get faeces in their lady bits which changes the ph of the area, causing thrush. We know that we should clean ourselves from front to back but little kids don't... it's been a long hard road trying to teach Tia to do that so that she doesn't keep getting Thrush and she's only just getting the idea now. :roll:

I've found that by washing the area twice a day with cotton wool and warm water and dropping all soaps for a while... also by applying a nappy cream called Metanium, helps.

With Tia it will clear it up in a few days :)

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