Title edit/sight subject change! rescuing a dog advice!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2008
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Ok random question and im prob being very thick!

hubby and I are looking to rescue a boxer dog in the next couple weeks, there is one in the pipeline needing a home and we are very keen, but prob..Money or shall I say donation!!

the guy said he wants a donation of £160, fair nough, but we can only afford £100, I know boxers dont come cheap,but we have to think about vets bills etc afterwards.
We said well we can afford X amount at a push, he said no sorry we only accept donations of £160.

Since when donation become a certain sale price? I though donation was something you offered? Or am I confused? Is £160 a lot when it comes to a donation??

Rescues ask for a minimum donation, it means you can give more but not less, if you think what you are actually getting for your money it is cheap believe me, you get the dog in question that is usually vaccinated, micro chipped, wormed and more often than not neutered, if you add that lot up then £160 is cheap, also you have to remember that many of the dogs in rescue need medical care before being rehomed and asking a minimum donation is the only way of helping towards these dogs.
Sorry to sound rude but we have always said if you cant afford the donation then how can you afford a dog if anything goes wrong etc.
Im not sure but could the donation that applies be to cover any vaccinations / neutering that the dog has had while in rescue?

Have you been through suitability checks? I woud have thought once you were deemed suitable for the dog then they would be keen to rehome him.

I hope you dont take this the wrong way but it might be to put off chancers (which you arent, dont hook me!!)

I would ask to speak with someone else there and see if an arrangement can be made.
Is it a random guy asking for a donation or an actual reputable rescue? There are many, many backyard breeders out there who want to get rid of "stock" that are unsuitable for breeding and state that they want a donation for such an animal. Some even go as far as to pass them off as rescues. I would give any such person a big wide berth.
hennaly said:
Sorry to sound rude but we have always said if you cant afford the donation then how can you afford a dog if anything goes wrong etc.

we asked a week ago about a dog not expecting one to come up so fast, we were told we could be waiting up to 6 months so money wouldnt have been a prob, because its happening in less then a month, we arent quite as prepared if that makes any sense?

hennaly said:
Rescues ask for a minimum donation, it means you can give more but not less, if you think what you are actually getting for your money it is cheap believe me, you get the dog in question that is usually vaccinated, micro chipped, wormed and more often than not neutered, .

the dog in quesiton at mo has not been neutered nor been near a vets recently, she will be oming straight from her previous home to us as the rescue people apperantly would prefer them going from home to home rather then sit in a kennal before moving on!

daftscotslass said:
Is it a random guy asking for a donation or an actual reputable rescue? There are many, many backyard breeders out there who want to get rid of "stock" that are unsuitable for breeding and state that they want a donation for such an animal. Some even go as far as to pass them off as rescues. I would give any such person a big wide berth.

if you see my above comment, I dont know I will be looking into tis centre a lot more, its the only actual boxer centre in the south west , there are dog centres, but we would love a boxer!

lauramumof2 said:
Im not sure but could the donation that applies be to cover any vaccinations / neutering that the dog has had while in rescue?
Have you been through suitability checks? I woud have thought once you were deemed suitable for the dog then they would be keen to rehome him.
I hope you dont take this the wrong way but it might be to put off chancers (which you arent, dont hook me!!)
I would ask to speak with someone else there and see if an arrangement can be made.

the guy has been out to our home once and said it was suitable, the one really frustrating thing is we are having to chase him to find out whats going on, he doesnt phone us despite us requesting him to call us back etc!
I have never heard of a rescue moving dog from home to home hun so I would check out this place more thoroughly. There are proper Boxer rescues all over UK, google Boxer Rescue. Rescues generally have the dog vaccinated, neutered etc before rehoming which is why you pay the donation :hug:
i would be very warey of them to be honest as it doesnt sound like a proper rescue, there is no way they can access a dog in that way and sounds like they are out for a quick buck.
If you look on the net you will find tons of genuine recue dogs needing homes all having been vet checked and accessed and most will be neutered vacc, chipped etc.
Good luck in your search :D
We paid £80 for our Rottweiler at the local dog rescue place.

Then £100 for our other Rotti that someone was selling in the paper.

When we got our dog from the rescue centre, she hadn't been neutured and only had one vac, we had to sort the rest out.

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