Tiny baby not pooing??


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2008
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Our LO only poos once a week, she is now 2 weeks old and is feeding well with plenty of wet nappies. She was 2oz below birth weight when weighed at 1 wk and is being weighed again on Mon.

I'm just a bit concerned that she may be constipated as she does foul smelling farts all day long :oops:

I know she should be pooing 3 times a day but she's not despite feeding well so please don't stress me out further by pointing this out :cry: however if you have any experience of this and how long it took to resolve itself then i'd be really grateful to hear from you.

many thanks
P x
Try giving some cool boiled water with a spoon or bottle to loosed up any stools.

If this doesn't work contact ur HV who may be able to prescribe some kind of laxitive.

Hope this helps.

Kim x x x x
Bottle or breast fed hun!?

Boobie babys can go days/week without poops no problem. Its abit more rare for Formula babys to go taht long, but it does happen.

Are her poops like little rabbit turds? Or are they soft, if they are soft then she is not constipated. Ask the HV, but really I wouldnt worry! All babys are different
Kai was bottle fed early on and would go 3/4 days between poos. I was worried like you about it and they said it is nothing to worry about it is just the way some people are. I was advised to give Kai some water with a little bit of pure orange juice if he was in pain and it worked.
She is breast feeding on demand every 2-3 hrs for about 10-15 mins before spitting it out.

Her poo (last time we saw it) was like an out of control fudge sauce machine, we just had to keep on catching it :D
:lol: All sounds normal... i wouldn't worry BF babies can go for a while without having a poo. Unless LO seems in pain then all is ok :hug:
Sounds normal to me too

If you are in doubt then ask your HV :D
1588 said:
She is breast feeding on demand every 2-3 hrs for about 10-15 mins before spitting it out.

Her poo (last time we saw it) was like an out of control fudge sauce machine, we just had to keep on catching it :D

Sound quite normal to me also. BF babies often don't poo for days at a time. And her last poo sounds about right for a BF baby. So I'd not think she is constipated or anything. Constipated would mean hard rabbit like poos. Pften new babies are windy and fart a lot. It all sounds totally normal from what I'm reading.

BF babies have very little waste in breastmilk so hence don't need to poo as much. Some go every day, others every few days. My LO went about 8 days between poos. Usually 2-3 days though.

Also weighing a week after birth I'd think she would still be below her birth weight so don't worry there either. It can take 10 days to 2 weeks to get back to birth weight and past it. My MW didn't even weigh my son till he was 10 days old. She didn't feel it would be helpful to weigh him after a week because of the way babies drop weight after being born.

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