Our LO only poos once a week, she is now 2 weeks old and is feeding well with plenty of wet nappies. She was 2oz below birth weight when weighed at 1 wk and is being weighed again on Mon.
I'm just a bit concerned that she may be constipated as she does foul smelling farts all day long
I know she should be pooing 3 times a day but she's not despite feeding well so please don't stress me out further by pointing this out
however if you have any experience of this and how long it took to resolve itself then i'd be really grateful to hear from you.
many thanks
P x
I'm just a bit concerned that she may be constipated as she does foul smelling farts all day long

I know she should be pooing 3 times a day but she's not despite feeding well so please don't stress me out further by pointing this out

many thanks
P x