time to say hi!

little momma

Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2008
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hey everyone,
i've been posting on here for a little bit and you have all been very helpful with stuff...but i realise i never introduced myself.
i joined the forum already in the third trimester... so thanks for being so nice.
my name is grace and i'm only 18 (not that that means im gonna be a rubish mum and am more interested in drinking and being immature... as some people seem to asume... makes me so mad, i hate telling people how old i am now!) i live in southampton, and i'm very nearly 34 weeks!
my due date is june 11th, which happens to be the same date as the transfer of ownership of the new flat i'm buying. which is scary... and makes me think june is going to be one hell of a busy month.
anyway, just thought i'd introduce myself properly. i've been picking up bits and pieces about you all while i've been browsing the forum, and it's great to start getting to know some other pregnant women, none of my friends are quite at the becoming mothers stage of their lives yet. so it's nice to be here.
love to all
:wave: Yep, sounds like June is going to be very busy for you!!!
Hi hunny :wave:
dont worry about your age everyone on here is different ages creed background but were all there for each other it dosnt matter a jot about the age its who you our that makes you a good person and ultimatly a good Mum

congrats on your pregnancy :D
Thats good going, buying a flat at 18! I have yet to get there yet and I am 26! Well done you!!

Congratulations on bubs and welcome to tri 3! :cheer:
hiya hun x

i was a first time mum at 16/17 im on number 3 and i am 22
i know right? suddenly my life is so old! hehe...
having a baby, buying a flat on my own!
madness! thanks guys, it's good to know no ones gonna be judging me for being a young mum on here. i've had some hilarious coments from people at my church about me being unmarried, nice to be somewhere un judgy!

I'm only 19 but my MW doesn't seem to think I'm that young! I asked the other day if I would be treated diferently because of my age and she said- "Why!? You're an adult aren't you..?!" :roll: :rotfl:

PFFT. buying a property.... it's on my list of things to do when I win the lottery! not only are we takig a cut in income (I earnt nearly twice as much as my OH but worked a 2 hour commute away up in London so wouldn't dream of going back after baby has arrived!) but what with the banks situation we'd need a HUGE deposit before we'd get a mortgage... Oh Well! Baby will just have to have skint loving parents! :lol:
Ah unmarried dose not mean you'd be a better Mum take no notice of those silly people :hug:
im not marrried to my James (though id love to be)
wow you can afford a flat i cant afford a shoe box :lol: lucky you
good luck with the move!!!
yeah lol spending all my inheritance on it. i think it's great that i'll be able to have somewhere really solid and steady for my baby to grow up in.
unfortunatly i will then be a single mum without a job... and not a huge amount of money left. lol.
little momma said:
yeah lol spending all my inheritance on it. i think it's great that i'll be able to have somewhere really solid and steady for my baby to grow up in.
unfortunatly i will then be a single mum without a job... and not a huge amount of money left. lol.

:roll: thats my chance of buying out the window... my parents could only afford to buy their own house when I was 10...I, like my baby, have skint but loving parents!

:hug: you might be able to get part time work after baby as you may be entitled to some free childacre. Make sure you check what you are entitled to :wink:
hi :wave: you sound pretty mature for 18 so don't worry about comments, you'll be a fab mum

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