Time to move again so soon too............


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2012
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Well girls tomorrow is time for me to move outta here and into (omg) tri 3. It seems no time since my bump buddy said" should you not be in tri 2 now?" and here am I now about to move out of tri 2. I thought I would do a post in here today as between faffing about getting myself ready in the morning and feeding/watering four very spoiled very noisy guinea pigs I would not remember to do two threads haha

Its been lovely in here and looking forward to you joining tri 3 when your bumps are ready xxx
Congrats, I'm moving on too with you tomorrow, I'm so excited means soon we get to meet our little presents.
Congrats on your move to tri3 , how exciting the final run good luck xx
Congrats, I'm moving on too with you tomorrow, I'm so excited means soon we get to meet our little presents.

Congrats on your move to tri3 , how exciting the final run good luck xx

Thanks girls .......I think the excitement of finally getting to meet minion is still outweighing any fear factor though cool as I am about labour, birth etc there is still that element of "shitting it" factor but thats probably just the hormones haha. Finally getting somewhere with the nursery too so think that is helping too even though the self adhesive border we put on bloody fell off and wont go back on so back to the drawing board with that one lol

I have after today only 40 days left to work and as happy as i am to be leaving for such a wonderful event my last day will be hard as I probably wont get back into the department where I am now but more important things than a job and thats minion :) xxx
So exciting! Congratulations, hope you enjoy it over there when you move over. On the final stretch now, it'll be no time until you have your LO :)
See you on the other side in a few weeks! x
Yay to T3 my little crazy real life friend! Its flying in. Tho a wee bit faster would be cool!! See u over ther-hope u had a nice week off work. I'm feeling poop which tells me this was overdue but least no alarm clock! I've 29 days to work when I return, not that I am counting or anything. Infact-are u sure u done the math? Or am I using my hols more b4 I finish? This is my first load of AL this year! Mucho grateful for it I tell ya! Been a looooong 7 months! Xx xXx

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So exciting! Congratulations, hope you enjoy it over there when you move over. On the final stretch now, it'll be no time until you have your LO :)
See you on the other side in a few weeks! x

Yep final leg of the relay now exciing and scary but canny wait xsee ya over here soon xxx

Yay to T3 my little crazy real life friend! Its flying in. Tho a wee bit faster would be cool!! See u over ther-hope u had a nice week off work. I'm feeling poop which tells me this was overdue but least no alarm clock! I've 29 days to work when I return, not that I am counting or anything. Infact-are u sure u done the math? Or am I using my hols more b4 I finish? This is my first load of AL this year! Mucho grateful for it I tell ya! Been a looooong 7 months! Xx xXx

Sent from my BlackBerry 9800 using Tapatalk

Hey fellow nutter hope you and Daisy bump are well and enjoying relaxing with n work

Yeh week off was good got lots done but unfortunately losing Rikki was a shocker and now just about to take his wifer Pally to get checked over as she doesny seem herself and Im not taking any chances

Haha yeh you are not counting just like im not counting - I was wndering that myself if I had done the maths right but have checked, checked and better checked and it seems right think it might be cos Im taking my annual leave after I leave if that makes sense xxx
Hey, I've been struggling for 2 days with a sore lady bit. Tmi I know but it feels like someone's kicked the bone. Ouch. I know I'm doing too much as I've been moving furniture, cleaning and not sleeping much. So it's likely that.

My mat leave officially starts on 17th sept they tell me. If I could go off now I would. And u know how much I love my gang. Even a week away is a long time. Looking forward t Wimbledon! To not so much the drive down. Have cresswell for GTT next when I return.

Sorry to hear about Rikki.mhows Paloma doing? Better I hope :)

Don't be working too hard xxxx
Hey, I've been struggling for 2 days with a sore lady bit. Tmi I know but it feels like someone's kicked the bone. Ouch. I know I'm doing too much as I've been moving furniture, cleaning and not sleeping much. So it's likely that.

My mat leave officially starts on 17th sept they tell me. If I could go off now I would. And u know how much I love my gang. Even a week away is a long time. Looking forward t Wimbledon! To not so much the drive down. Have cresswell for GTT next when I return.

Sorry to hear about Rikki.mhows Paloma doing? Better I hope :)

Don't be working too hard xxxx

I can kinda sympathise wih you Gayle as sometimes when I turn in bed it feels like Im being kicked in the arse bone ouch - yes you need to rest more

Mines starts the week after that only cause im on annual leave first :) you will miss them when you are away cos your a close bunch - bet you are not looking forward to the gtt

Yeh Paloma seems to be slowly getting back to her "normal" self and accepting the little one more now

Have a fab time at Wimbledon xxx

nooooooooooooo u cant leave me!!!

Im always here for you Lisa and anyway you will be in here with us in the shake of a pickle's tail lol xxx

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