ticker driving me nuts


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2010
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i had a fruit ticker and a preganancy ticker but wanted to change the colour now i know im having a boy and it keeps saying it's too long. nothing has changed apart from colour. argh......

help please. xxx
oh and the one saying my pregnancy should say our lil half pint. as soon as i put that thats when it doesnt work. xxx
When you copy the code from the pregnology site onto here does it appear just as it is now, even though the text has changed on the site? I'm a bit confused as if I go to the pregnology url that you've put into the 'edit signature' box it just says My Pregancy on it, which suggests that it's their site that has lost the text you added somewhere - ours just shows the image that theirs creates. Have you tried designing it there again?

Sorry if that made no sense :lol: If that doesn't work I'm sure SC will be able to help you out! x
still not working. it will change the colour but when i change the text it wont work.

strange as i had it before. oh well. it's ok. won't need it for much longer cos bubs will be here in 17 weeks. x

thanks xxxx
Does it appear with the text you want on the pregnology site but when you copy the code on here it changes? I'll ask SC to have a look but I still think it may be an issue with their site - copying the code on here only displays the image that you have created on their site, and is stored on their site x
i have delted my ticker all together now and tried to redo it but it doesn't want to know. still saying i can only have 5 lines. xxx

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