This sounds stupid but..


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2007
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Lately I have been really worried that when my baby comes,I won' it?
That sounds so pathetic,I know.It makes no sense,because although my baby isn't even born i still feeling really loving and protective towards it.But I'm still afraid that when he or she comes,I'm just going to look at it and feel nothing.I know that I won't really,but I can't shake the feeling. It's making me paranoid that I'm going to be an awful mum.And I really do want to be a good mum to my baby.
Did anyone else feel like this?[/i]
Yes I felt like that when pregnant with my first and it's perfectly natural. I'm on baby number 2 now (after an 8 year gap) and I was sat waiting for the bus earlier today feeling exactly the same - worrying that I won't bond with my new LO or feel as close to him as I do to my daughter. It's all part and parcel of worrying about becoming a mum, and those damn hormones! :hug:
Aww hun i think plenty pregnant women feel the same. Try and relax and enjoy the rest of your pregnancy. :hug:
I feel the same, worried that I'll be like, uh here's a baby can someone else deal with it please..
I felt exactly the same way when I was pregnant with DD - I worried pretty much all throughout my pregnancy that I wouldn't feel any sort of bond with it, and that I wouldn't think it was cute or anything like that. I kept saying to DH "I hope it doesn't look like an alien" lol.

When she was born I was STUNNED by how gorgeous she was and how much I loved her. All my fears went flying out of the window. On the videotape made just after the birth I'm bawling my eyes out with happiness going "she doesn't look like an alien at all!" lmao!

But now here I am again worrying that I won't love DS when he arrives as much as I love DD.....silly woman that I am. I know it's illogical but I think it's a normal thing to worry about.

Don't worry hun you're not nuts lol xxx
:hug: You aren't unusual in having these worries because it's normal to be concerned about everything being "just right" when your baby is born.

I'm sure you'll be fine. Try not to worry too much about it. It'll all slot into place once you hold LO in your arms. :)
Glad it is not just me..... I have been feeling like this too. :oops:
zebrastripes said:
Lately I have been really worried that when my baby comes,I won' it?
That sounds so pathetic,I know.It makes no sense,because although my baby isn't even born i still feeling really loving and protective towards it.But I'm still afraid that when he or she comes,I'm just going to look at it and feel nothing.I know that I won't really,but I can't shake the feeling. It's making me paranoid that I'm going to be an awful mum.And I really do want to be a good mum to my baby.
Did anyone else feel like this?[/i]
io think thats perfectly normal. I was terrified id have a plug ugly child and id want to abandon it at the hospital. The simple truth of the matter is that even if it came out purple with pnik spots and horns instead of ears you'd love it to bits!
My second daughter was really ugly like a chewed up toffee penny. The midwife helld her up and i just said ''Urgh shes ugly she can't be mine'' :rotfl:
i got over it and in fact i had a stronger bonfd with her than i did with my firat. Possibly becasue i felt a little guilty at having clled her ugly in her first minute of life :rotfl:
I sat and cried in case I had an ugly child, and when he was born he was squished and purple..and from the moment I first held him he was sooo beautiful to me and I would have loved him no matter what - its all normal :D
thats what im afraid of aswell like, that he wont look like i have imagined him to be or he will be "ugly"

but i know that hes mine and we are going to have the most amazing bond together ever X )
I was concerned that my son would be ugly cos my DH is no oil painting and I thought he would be born bald with bad skin and thew rest of it, thank god he came out beautiful - apart from his dodgy looking head!
Hahaha,glad I'm not some sort of cold hearted cow incapable of loving children then :) To be honest, I'll probably be one of these people who think their child is ugly too..."Ok,I love you and all,but,ewwww!" My mother says that I won't think it's cute unless it has ears and a tail,and either barks or neighs. She may have a point :) :) But thanks everybody, I've kind of got over the mild paranoia now :lol:
I think most women probably have their moments of doubt about whether they will love their baby or be good mums etc. I guess the fact that we worry about it means we will be good mums ! With my first I worried all the way through about whether I would be a good mother, if my life was over, what if it was an ugly baby etc but my daughter turned out to be the making of me! I worry this time about whether I will love this baby the same as I love my first! I just doesn't seem possible that I could feel the same about another child but everyone assures me you just do and I'm happy to go with them!!

I had these feeling too even with my second but its amazing how quick that changes once you finally have them and see them, dont worry hun :hug:

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