This Pregnancy.....


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2011
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Is now starting to gear its self up and start to go a little it quicker..

Just looked at my ticker and its less then 100 days im down to double figures. Another milestone met.... just the midwife to contend with today xxx
:yay: congrats on reaching double figures, mine seems to have sped up a little, but only a teeny bit. Good luck at the MW today xx
Yay!! Glad it is speeding up for you.... hoping things start speeding up for me too!! x
i have to agree Loula my pregnancy seems to have notched up a gear :D i'm at the mw today also, cant wait to hear LO's heartbeat again :) xx
Since 14 weeks seems to be going a bit quicker for me roll on 20 weeks, then v day etc! x
Back from midwife, BP was good, May have a UTI and so have sent a sample. Baby is head down and my placenta is at the front hence the quiet days of not feeling babmino so much. Also got measured today and am measuring at 28cm. heartbeat was lovely and clear tooo, feel so much better about it all now, roll on 2 weeks when im back at the Mw x
Glad yours is going quicker now :) MIne is flying by! Got my midwife app tomorrow.

Loula, how did the mw know the positio baby was laying? x
Congrats on reaching double figures :yay: Time really is flying, think it will speed up even more once we hit spring time, always think the winter months drag on!
think it will speed up even more once we hit spring time, always think the winter months drag on!

yeah i hate winter but would rather be pregnant in the winter then summer plus its nice to be walking to work in the light x
think it will speed up even more once we hit spring time, always think the winter months drag on!

yeah i hate winter but would rather be pregnant in the winter then summer plus its nice to be walking to work in the light x

Yeah, being heavily pregnant in the summer is gonna be hard, I'm already a million degrees already lol At least we can wear loose clothing and flip flops, gotta be better than boots n coats!

And it's so weird isn't it when they feel baby? I had so much fluid with DS that they proper had to dig into me, but it used to freak me out that there was actually a little baby there and you can kind of touch it... if you dare lol I never did lol
its been soo mild here today i had a right sweat going on.... heaven forbid if it gets hotter and i havent got any light and airy clothes yet lol..

I have a little prod every now and then, where i thought were feet there are and im sure ive felt it once or twice and the midwife said where her head was as my bump was odd shaped there, have had a feel just very hard.

fx for you tomorrow kirsty, she only told me for the first time today x
Yay for reaching double figures!
Weird that they could feel position of baby. I'm finding it's really starting to hit home now that there's a baby inside of me, and soon, it's gonna come out and depend on me for everything! Ver scary :S But exciting! Glad everything went well at ur mw appt, hope if it is a uti, it clears up soon! They can be very nasty! x

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