This may sound a little crazy.. QUESTIONNN!


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2008
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We got married June 8th which had been arranged for 19months and my parents and brother came to visit for 18 days over the wedding period and a week after so they could take DD for 4days so we could honeymoon alone :) (i couldnt last without her more that that :rotfl: )

anyway.. so this week has been an emotionaly upsetting,
they left and it broke my heart and iv only just picked myself up off the floor. mum and i are the bestest friends and are so close, the next time it would be possible to see her would be 3 months after baby is born which devistated me :( .

i moved over here 2 years ago which i thought was only going to be a month but ended up staying and the flights are getting pricey esp since DD is no longer free to fly anymore, so its getting harder and harder to make the visits so often now. OH and myself have thought really hard and can afford to buy a condo in dominican republic nextdoor to my parents' condo. they are so beautiful sat on the white beach and we would look out onto eachothers balconys :D OH is really set on making me his happy wife and had gone out and booked one week in Breezes 4star all inclusive flying out on the 4th to have a little break and view this condo!!

i am p*ing my panties im so exited we are going to move to dominican for 6 months of the year (we will decede where to settle when in two years for DD to start school) we have our house up for sale hoping to sell this year and put a log home on our land 45 mins from here so we will have money to spare which is great with the new baby.

Were looking into private hospitals in the dominican which are meant to be better than here in canada with amazing facilities. so our plan is, buy this condo move over there at 6months pg LATEST, when my mum will be flying over also and have bubs while living in our new winter home as the snow wont be good for the kids (DD gets really bad croup in the winter) i will be so close to my family :cheer:

my questions are...
is flying really ok during pregnancy?
what should i eat at an all inclusive? i dont want to get a bad stomach with being pregnant

i think im just a total mix of emotions, i didnt think wed be able to buy close to my mum for years yet! sorry im rambling :lol: id love to hear what you girls think x
I flew during my pregnancy with Lucy all the way through till I was about 23 weeks - it was part of my job so it was basically not an option for me. I had to eat in restaurants/hotels in all kinds of countries and Lucy was fine. Basically you can fly without a Doctors certificate up until 24 weeks (I think) after that you need a letter from your doc and should get the airline to confirm that they'll accept you.
Yeh I was just going to say what Becky did! :D
Hey jess think Angelina Jolie lol she flys here there and everywhere while pregnant!
I was scared of flying tbh because in Jan before I was pg, I flew to Spain and while landing I got bad belly ache like pressure, then I bled for 2 weeks!? :think: It was weird as I didnt usually bleed at all with the implant AND pill lol but doc did assure me it muct have been a coincidence!
Good luck to you hun! I home in the Dominican Republic sounds great! You should rent it out while your not there! *wink, wink* lol I have been dying to go there! !hahaha :rotfl:
I don't have an answer to your questions, but I'd just like to say that I'm glad you are feeling better. It sounds great that you can be nearer to your mum and that you will also get the added benefit of a gorgeous place to have your baby. 8)
Well I'm just back from Turkey staying at an all inclusive. I just stayed away from the obvious things that may be unpasteurised, runny eggs etc and I was fine. Flying had no adverse effects on me. My doc advised me that flying is not harmful to baby's it may make early symptoms like morning sickness worse on the flight.

Just as an aside I went to the dominican republic last year on honeymoon and I loved it despite breaking my leg and ankle on the second week lol. Hope you have a good time and I'm glad you've come up with such a great solution to be closer to your family. :D

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