this is soooo stupid!!


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2007
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i know its stupid!! i hate the feeling.. but i think its all your fault!! lol

ok.. let me explain,

about 10 of you gorgeous ladies have found out the sex of your babies over the last week..and i feel left out.. lol

i knwo its stupid coz i really dont wanna find out what it is till its born.. so y do i feel so left out!!
ive got a feeling its because i still cant believe im almost half way.. and because when i see that you have found out what ur having, i think ur 20 weeks or a bit more or less.. and for some reason..i think im ages away from 20 weeks.. then it hits me smack in the chops that omg.. im almost 20 weeks.. its stupid!!

how stupid am i.. y cant i get it into my head that im almost half way there.. and y did i feel left out?
I didn't find out the gender!

Like you I felt everyone around me was finding out and worried I'd weaken when the time came...but I didn't!

During the scan we were so absorbed in watching the heart beat, the little legs kicking, the arms waving, the mouth opening etc. nothing else mattered. It honestly didn't enter my head that I could ask a question and be told whether it was a boy or girl.

I think about it all the time now! lol! I talk about it with DD. We look at clothes, but can't buy any. We talk about names and have to come up with ideas for both. But It's all part of the fun!

So don't feel left out Hon. I think there are a few of us who don't know!
I didn't find out last time and am not this time. I was like ladybird, was just so excited about seeing the baby that I really couldn't have cared less about finding out the sex. I felt I was halfway, and the rest of the time flew.

Team green has a fair few members I think.
i've been feeling a bit left out too, and i really hope i dont weaken at the time, im worried that they might tell us without asking aswell, thats probably stupid i know but hey lol. cant wait to get bubs home and go buy his/her first outfit! and if i cant get out to the shops i'll get it online lol

go team green
We've decided not to find out either...

It's tempting but I think it will make it more exciting when he/she arrives...

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